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Posted on by Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional Sao Bernardo, Sao Paulo (OAB/PE 20735) - Ladrao - Bandido - Traficante de armas.



Data: 18/11/2014
Processo Nº: 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001
Natureza da Ação: Ação Penal - Procedimento Ordinário
Vítima: Maria dos Prazeres de Oliveira
Advogado: PE002803 - José Antonio Alves de Melo
Advogado: PE033321 - Anderson Luiz Cavalcante Soares
Advogado: PE018553 - Ricardo Toscano Dias Pereira
Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 18/11/2014.
Data: 27/11/2014
Processo Nº: 0099992-29.2013.8.17.0001
Natureza da Ação: Inquérito Policial
Defensor Público: PE011011 - Eliane Alencar Caldas
Vítima: O Estado
Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 27/11/201
Data: 18/11/2014
Processo Nº: 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001
Natureza da Ação: Ação Penal - Procedimento Ordinário
Vítima: Maria dos Prazeres de Oliveira
Advogado: PE002803 - José Antonio Alves de Melo
Advogado: PE033321 - Anderson Luiz Cavalcante Soares
Advogado: PE018553 - Ricardo Toscano Dias Pereira
Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 18/11/2014.
Data: 27/11/2014
Processo Nº: 0099992-29.2013.8.17.0001
Natureza da Ação: Inquérito Policial
Defensor Público: PE011011 - Eliane Alencar Caldas
Vítima: O Estado
Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 27/11/201Advogado: PE10145 – Claudio Rogério Torreão de Almeida
O Dr. Elson Zoppellaro Machado, Juiz de Direito da Vara dos Crimes contra a Administração Pública e Ordem Tributária da Comarca do Recife, Capital do Estado de Pernambuco, em virtude da Lei, etc.
FAZ SABER , que cumprindo o disposto no art. 370, § 1º do CPP, fica, a partir da publicação deste edital, INTIMADO o Bel. Claudio Rogério Torreão de Almeida - PE10145, para fins de requerer diligências, no prazo de 24 horas, nos termos do art. 402 do CPP. Dado e passado nesta Comarca do Recife, aos 11 (onze) dias do mês de maio do ano de 2015. Eu, Stefanie Neiva Maiwald, o digitei e submeti à conferência e subscrição da Chefia de Secretaria.
Processo nº. 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001
Vítima: o Estado
Advogada: PE012636 – Sandra Maria Garrett Rios
A Dra. Ana Cristina Mota, Juíza de Direito da Vara dos Crimes contra a Administração Pública e Ordem Tributária da Comarca do Recife, Capital do Estado de Pernambuco, em virtude da Lei, etc.
FAZ SABER , que cumprindo o disposto no art. 370, § 1º do CPP, fica a partir da publicação deste edital INTIMADA a Bela. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios – OAB/PE nº 012.636, para fins de requerer diligências, no prazo de 24 horas, nos termos do art. 402 do CPP. Dado e passado nesta Comarca do Recife, aos 10 (dez) dias do mês de abril do ano de 2015. Eu, Sílvio Sérgio Gomes Alves Júnior, o digitei e submeti à conferência e subscrição da Chefia de Secretaria.
Processo Nº: 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001
Natureza da Ação: Ação Penal - Procedimento Ordinário
Vítima: Maria dos Prazeres de Oliveira
Advogado: PE009993 – Eduardo Matheus Costa
Sentença: Vistos e etc... “Em assim sendo e pelo que mais dos autos consta, julgo procedente a denúncia para condenar, como de fato condeno , a ré SANDRA MARIA GARRET RIOS , anteriormente qualificada, como incursa nas penas do art. 339, caput, do Código Penal. Passo a dosarlhe a pena. A ré é primária e não registra antecedentes. Sua culpabilidade no caso dos autos não extrapola os limites do próprio tipo penal. Não consta nos autos maiores informações sobre a conduta social e a personalidade da ré, pelo que não há nada a ser extraído em seu desfavor. Em sendo assim e tendo sempre em mente que a pena deverá ser necessária e suficiente para a reprovação e prevenção do crime, fixo a pena base da ré no mínimo legal de 02 (dois) anos de reclusão, a qual torno concreta e definitiva à mingua de outras circunstâncias legais e/ou causas especiais de diminuição ou de aumento. Fica a ré condenada, ainda, ao pagamento de 80 (oitenta) dias-multa, que fixo na base de um trigésimo do salário mínimo vigente ao tempo do fato para cada dia-multa, a ser devidamente atualizado quando do seu efetivo pagamento. A pena privativade liberdade será cumprida em regime aberto. Com fundamento no art. 15, III da CF/88, suspendo os direitos políticos da ré pelo tempo que perdurarem os efeitos da condenação penal. Condeno, ainda, a ré ao pagamento das custas processuais. Presentes os pressupostos objetivos e subjetivos previstos no artigo 44 do Código Penal
Decreto-lei no 2.848, de 7 de dezembro de 1940.

Código Penal - Decreto Lei 2848/40 5079544
689 seguidores
Seguir, substituo a pena privativa de liberdade imposta à ré por duas penas restritivas de direitos a serem designada pelo Juiz da Vara de Execução de Penas Alternativas. P.R.I. Após o trânsito em julgado desta decisão, lance-se o nome da ré no rol dos culpados, preenchendo-se o seu Boletim Individual, encaminhando-o ao Instituto Tavares Buril, expedindo-se também Carta
de Guia para a Vara de Execução de Penas Alternativas, bem como ofício ao T.R.E., informando sobre a condenação da ré, arquivando-se os autos em seguida. Recife, 14 de julho de 2015. ANA CRISTINA MOTA - JUÍZA DE DIREITO


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Publicado em 17/10/2011por Inacio Vacchiano

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A seccional pernambucana da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB-PE) suspendeu 12 advogados que atuam no Estado por terem cometido infrações ético-disciplinares. As punições, que variam de 30 a 180 dias de suspensão – prorrogáveis ou não -, foram publicadas na sexta-feira (23), no Diário Oficial do Estado. Todos os processos já transitaram em julgado e não cabe mais recurso.As infrações vão desde a retenção de processos, além do prazo estabelecido pela Justiça, à falta de prestação de contas a clientes. “A aplicação dessas medidas disciplinares é dura, mas necessária para a defesa dos bons profissionais”, destacou o presidente da entidade, Henrique Mariano. Tanto as infrações cometidas como as punições impostas estão previstas na Lei Federal nº 8.906/94 que dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Advocacia e da OAB.Essa é a segunda vez, em menos de uma semana, que a OAB-PE determina a suspensão de advogados. Na semana passada, uma advogada foi suspensa, através de uma medida cautelar, pelo prazo de 15 dias, por ter atuado na captação de clientes.

"Veja a lista dos advogados:

1) Josiel Barros de Andrade

2) Clóvis Salgado do Espirito Santo

3) Maria da Puresa Rodrigues da Silva

4) Genilda Rocha Figueiredo

5) Sandra Maria Garrett Rios

6) Dayse Silvana de Andrade Muniz

7) Adelson Nascimento de Lucena

8) Antônio René de Araújo Machado Júnior

9) Dário Ferraz de Sá Júnior

10) Eloilson Pereira da Silva

11) Jorge Carlos Victor da Anunciação

12) Laís Portela Câmara

Fonte: MNBD- PE

OAB suspende 12 advogados por infrações ético-disciplinares


26/09/2011 | 16h53 | Pernambuco
atualizada às 1

A Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - Seccional de Pernambuco (OAB-PE) determinou a suspensão de 12 advogados por prazos que variam de 30 a 180 dias por terem cometido infrações ético-disciplinares. A decisão foi publicada no Diário Oficial do Estado (DOE) da última sexta-feira (23). Esta é a segunda vez que a entidade determina a suspensão de advogados em um período de menos de 10 dias. Na semana passada, uma advogada foi suspensa, através de uma medida cautelar, pelo prazo de 15 dias por ter atuado na captação de clientes.

Segundo as informações da OAB-PE, as punições publicadas no DOE foram motivadas por diferentes razões. Tanto as infrações cometidas como as punições impostas estão previstas na Lei Federal nº 8.906/94 que dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Advocacia e da OAB.

Segundo o presidente da OAB-PE, Henrique Mariano, todos os processos já transitaram em julgado e não cabe mais recurso.

Confira a lista de advogados suspensos pela OAB:

Adelson Nascimento de Lucena

Antônio René de Machado Dias Júnior

Clóvis Salgado do Espírito Santo

Dário Ferraz de Sá Júnior
Dayse Silvana de Andrade M

Eloilson Pereira da Silva

Genilda Rocha Figueiredo

Jorge Carlos Victor da Anunciação

Josiel Barros de Andrade

Laís Portela Câmara

Maria da Puresa Rodrigues da Silva

Sandra Maria Garrett Rios

PASTOR ADALBERON GARRETT - LADRAO - PSICOPATO - DOUENCA BIPOLAR - PRATICANTE DE MAGIA NEGRA EM SEGREDO. GOSTO MUINTO DA PRATICA MAGIA NEGRA EM SEGREDO. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Av Cons Aguiar, 497, Cep: 51011-031 Recife. Pernambuco. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE012636 - LADRAOS.Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - IPB - Projeto transformaçao 2007 - Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - Pastor auto-proclamado. Bandido. Ladrao. Projeto transformaçao 2014 Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - PASTOR AUTO-PROCLAMADO. MITOMANO. LADRAO. BANDIDO. ALCOOLATRO. TOXICOMANO. PSICOPATO.


Finalidade divulgar os trabalhos realizados pela ONG Transformação

Pastor Adalbéron Garrett Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Av Cons Aguiar, 497, Cep: 51011-031 Recife. PE. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE012636 - LADRAOS.

Guru-manipulaçao. Negoçios sujas et perigosos. Multi-fraude fiscal. Furtos. Roubar mais que 40 anos do IPTU, impostos et taxas. Multi-operaçaos clandistinas. Lavagem da dinheiro sujo. Sempre em contacto con os grupos da exterminaçao. Bem-vindo a quadrilia-seita-familia do "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett et O Advogada Dr. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Tradiçaos criminais.



















Postado por Blog da Felicidade às 17:26

Marcadores: NÍVER DE IGOR EM 01.05.2014

Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 = Lavagem de dinheiro sujo.

27 janvier 2016

Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Furtado Garrett - Pina - Recife - PE. - Lavagem de dinheiro sujo.

Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Furtado Garrett - Pina - Recife - PE. - Lavagem de dinheiro sujo.

Messages août 2015

Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Pina - Boa Viagem - Pastor Adalberon Garrett do Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Ladraos.

12 août 2015


Igreja Presbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Pastor Adalbéron Garrett, Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett - Tel: 55 081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife, Pernambuco. Pastor Auto-proclamado. GURU-BANDIDO. FURTO. Praticante da magia negra em segredo. Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett - GURU-BANDIDA. FURTO. Praticante da magia negra em segredo. O Advogada Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE012636 = BANDIDA - LADRAO. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios = LADRAO.

Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil - Pina - Recife - PE. Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Ladrao.

Guru-manipulaçao. Negoçios sujàas et perigosos. Multi-fraudes fiscais. Furtos. Um familia mafioso qui roubar mais que 40 anos do IPTU, impostos et taxas. Multi-operaçaos clandistinas. Lavagem de dinheiro sujo. Sempre em contacto con os grupos da exterminaçao. Bem-vindo a quadrilia-seita-familia do "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett et O Advogada Dr. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Tradiçaos criminais.


Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Pina - Recife, PE. Pastor Adalbéron Garrett. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios. Julia Garrett. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 012636. Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett - Ladraos. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife, Pernambuco.

Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil) Ladraos - Guru-Bandidos. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife, Pernambuco. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios

Guru-manipulaçao. Negoçios safados et perigosos. Fraudes fiscais. Furtos. Roubar IPTU, impostos et taxas. Lavagem de dinheiro sujo. Em contacto permanente con os grupos da exterminaçao. Bem-vindo a quadrilia-seita-familia do "Pastor". Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett et O Advogada Dr. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Tradiçaos criminais.

Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil - Pina - Recife - PE. Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Ladrao.
Guru-manipulaçao. Negoçios safados et perigosos. Multi-fraude fiscal. Furto. Roubar mais que 40 anos do IPTU, impostos et taxas. Multi-operaçaos clandistinas. Lavagem de dinheiro sujo. Sempre em contacto con os grupos da exterminaçao. Bem-vindo a quadrilia-seita-familia do "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett et O Advogada Dr. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Tradiçaos criminais.Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Pina - Recife, PE. Pastor Adalbéron Garrett. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios. Julia Garrett. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 012636. Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett - Ladraos. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife, Pernamb

Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil) Ladraos - Guru-Bandidos. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife, Pernambuco. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Ladrao.

Rua Buenos Aires, 159 | Espinheiro - Recife-PE - CEP 52020-180 | Tel.: 81 3423.3031 | 3423.3039.

Advogada Sandra Maria Garret Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636 - Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Julia Garrett - Nomélia Furtado Garrett.

17 septembre 2015



Tel. (081) 3423-3031/3423-3039.




















Postado por Blog da Felicidade às 17:26

Marcadores: NÍVER DE IGOR EM 01.05.2014

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, SP. (OAB/PE 20735)

11 juin 2015

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. OAB/PE 20735 - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS.

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo OAB/PE 20735 - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. OAB/PE 20735 - ADVOGADO LADRAO. Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735 - Bandido - Traficante de armas. Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735 - Bandido - Traficante de armas. Página inicial do LinkedIn O que é o LinkedIn? Cadastre-se hoje mesmo Entrar Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Igor Montarroyos rocurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocaciade Sousa P-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brasil Administração governamental Anterior CHESF Formaçãatura de Pernambuco 86 conexões Cadasto acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistrr Igor. É grátis! Faça como 300e-se no LinkedIn e acesse o perfil completo de milhões de profissionais e cadastre-se no LinkedIn para compartilhar conexões, ideias e oportunidades. Visualize quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicite uma apresentação Entre em contato direto com Igor Visualize o perfil completo de Igor Histórico profissional Experiência Procurador da Fazenda Nacional Advocacia-Geral da União setembro de 2008 – até o momento (6 anos 5 meses) Procurador na Divisão de Dívida Ativa da União - DIDAU perante a Procuradoria Regional da Fazenda Nacional da 3ª Região.CHESF Advogado CHESF dezembro de 2002 – setembro de 2008 (5 anos 10 meses) Idiomas Inglês Espanhol Alemão Competências Administrative Law Tax Law Litigation Legal Research Mediation English Public Law Tax Legal Advice Power Point Microsoft Word Spanish Microsoft Office Public Speaking Corporate Law Visualizar + 2 Formação acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura de Pernambuco Especialista, Direito Processual Civil 2005 – 2006 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Bacharel, Direito1997 – 2002 Visualize o perfil completo de Igor para...Ver quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicitar uma apresentação Entrar em contato direto com Igor Veja o perfil completo de Igor Essa pessoa chamada Igor Montarroyos de Sousa não é quem você procura? Visualizar outros resultados com o mesmo nome Pesquisa por nome Mais de 300 milhões de profissionais já estão no LinkedIn. Encontre quem você conhece.Por exemplo: Jeff Weiner Procurar usuários por país LinkedIn Corporation© 2014 Contrato do Usuário Política de Privacidade do LinkedInDiretrizePosté par Igor Montarroyos à 13:05 - ADVOGADO LADRAO - Commentarios [0] - Permalien [#] Tags : Advogado Brasil OAB/PE 20735 Igor Montarroyos de Sousa GOOGLE Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735 - Bandido - Traficante de armas. Home Contact

Blog da Felicidade - Parte V

Nesse feriado de 01.05.2014 nos reunimos para comemorar o níver do amigão Igor Montarroyos!... Apesar do seu níver ser realmente em 27.04, ele escolheu o feriado para comemorar... Tarde/noite maravilhosa!... Só correntes do bem estavam presentes.... O casal Igor e Fabiana demonstraram ser excelentes anfitriões, fazendo com que seus convidados, amigos e familiares, fossem parte ativa da comemoração, havendo um perfeito congraçamento entre todos os participantes. Vou deixar que vocês mesmos vejam as imagens para sentirem como o evento foi agradabilíssimo... Passemos para fotos e vídeos captadas do níver de Igor:




















Postado por Blog da Felicidade às 17:26

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Marcadores: NÍVER DE IGOR EM 01.05.2014

Black Advogados Associados



Advogada da área Trabalhista, Empresarial e Direito de Família. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pós-graduanda em Direito do Trabalho e Processo do Trabalho pela Universidade Anhanguera-Uniderp. Pós-graduanda em Direito de Família e Sucessões pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista, Empresarial e Direito de família..
E-mail: gabrielaborba@blackadvo

Advogado da área Trabalhista, Cível e Imobiliária. Bacharel em Direito Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau - Uninassau. Pós-graduando em Direito Processual Civil e do Trabalho na Escola Superior de Magistratura (Esmatra). Sócio.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista, cível e imobiliário.
E-mail: fernando@blackadvo

Advogada da área Trabalhista e Cível. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pós-graduanda em Direito Público pela Universidade Potiguar.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista e cível.
E-mail: alinne@blackadvo

Advogado da área Trabalhista, Direito de Família e do Consumidor. Bacharel em Direito na Faculdade Integrada do Recife - Estácio – FIR. Pós-graduando em Direito Processual Civil e do Trabalho na Escola Superior de Magistratura (Esmatra).
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista, família e consumidor.
E-mail: saulovalenca@blackadvo

Advogada na área Cível e Trabalhista. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco.
Área de atuação: Direito Cível e Trabalhista.
E-mail: juliana@blackadvo

Bacharelando em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE
Área de atuação: Direito Empresarial, Direito do Consumidor, Direito Imobiliário e Direito Trabalhista.
E-mail: gileno@blackadvo

Advogada da área Trabalhista e Cível. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pós-graduanda em Direito Processual Civil e do Trabalho pela ESMATRA – Escola Superior da Magistratura Trabalhista – PE.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista e cível.
E-mail: livia@blackadvo

Advogado nas áreas Tributário e Cível. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Pós-graduando em Direito Tributário pelo IBET - Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários.
Área de atuação: Direito tributário e cível.
E-mail: joaoguerra@blackadvo

Rua Buenos Aires, 159 | Espinheiro - Recife-PE - CEP 52020-180 | Tel.: 81 3423.3031 | 3423.3039

/BlackAdvogadosAssociados contato@blackadvogados.adv.br

©2014 - Cordel



O escritório possui uma sólida infraestrutura e profissionais especializados, prestando assessoria contenciosa e consultiva para todos os ramos do Direito, com foco principalmente nas capitais do Nordeste, onde atua diretamente ou com correspondentes.

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A equipe da Black Advogados é formada por profissionais comprometidos com a excelência nas realizações e focados nas necessidades de nossos clientes.

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O Escritório

um moderno escritório de advocacia que tem por origem a sociedade fundada nos anos 90 pelos advogados Cedric John Black de C. Bezerra e Stênio Neiva Coelho. Em 2012, pelo ingresso de Stênio Neiva Coelho na magistratura como Desembargador pelo quinto constitucional, o Black & Neiva passou a ser denominado Black Advogados Associados.


Rua Buenos Aires, 159 | Espinheiro - Recife-PE - CEP 52020-180 | Tel.: 81 3423.3031 | 3423.3039

/BlackAdvogadosAssociados contato@blackadvogados.adv.br

©2014 - Cordel

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa

Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União

  1. CHESF
  1. Escola Superior de Magistratura de Pernambuco


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Procurador na Divisão de Dívida Ativa da União - DIDAU perante a Procuradoria Regional da Fazenda Nacional da 3ª Região.

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Igor Montarroyos de Sousa

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo

  1. Black, Neiva & Advogados Associados
  1. Furto
  1. Furto


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Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocaciade Sousa P-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brasil Administração governamental Anterior CHESF Formaçãtura de Pernambuco 86 conexões Cadasto acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura. Igor Montarroyos de Sousa. É grátis! Faça como 300e-se no LinkedIn e acesse o perfil completo de milhões de profissionais e cadastre-se no LinkedIn para compartilhar conexões, ideias e oportunidades. Visualize quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicite uma apresentação Entre em contato direto com Igor Visualize o perfil completo de Igor Histórico profissional Experiência Procurador da Fazenda Nacional Advocacia-Geral da União setembro de 2008 – até o momento (6 anos 5 meses) Procurador na Divisão de Dívida Ativa da União - DIDAU perante a Procuradoria Regional da Fazenda Nacional da 3ª Região.CHESF Advogado CHESF dezembro de 2002 – setembro de 2008 (5 anos 10 meses) Idiomas Inglês Espanhol Alemão Competências Administrative Law Tax Law Litigation Legal Research Mediation English Public Law Tax Legal Advice Power Point Microsoft Word Spanish Microsoft Office Public Speaking Corporate Law Visualizar + 2 Formação acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura de Pernambuco Especialista, Direito Processual Civil 2005 – 2006 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Bacharel, Direito1997 – 2002 Visualize o perfil completo de Igor para...Ver quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicitar uma apresentação Entrar em contato direto com Igor Veja o perfil completo de Igor. Visualizar outros resultados com o mesmo nome Pesquisa por nome Mais de 300 milhões de profissionais já estão no LinkedIn. Encontre quem você conhece. Por exemplo: Procurar usuários por país LinkedIn Corporation© 2014 Contrato do Usuário Política de Privacidade do LinkedIn Diretrize Posté par Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - LADRAO. TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS.


Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735


  • Furto
  • Furto (armas)

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735



Atividades e grupos: Armas


Atividades e grupos: Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735

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  2. Ingles

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Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735

  • Política
  • Crime Organizado

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735

Armas - Furto

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Fabiana Montarroyos de Sousa - (esposa de Igor Montarroyos de Sousa).

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo - OAB/PE 20735 - Ladrao - Traficante de armas. Aida Montarroyos de Sousa. Charlotte, South Carolina, USA. (DISQUS / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE+ / TUMBLR. / TWITTER / WORDPRESS)

Hi, my name is Aida Sousa! I'm an Independent Beauty Consultant of these great brands: Mary Kay, Avon and Natura Brasil! I would like to invite you to learn and have lots of fun on my new BEAUTY BLOG! Please if you have any questions about the products feel free to ask! I really appreciate your visit and I hope to see you real soon!!! Thanks, Aida Sousa. My brother, Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 is an illegal arms dealer in Brazil.

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. OAB/PE 20735 - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. Página inicial do LinkedIn O que é o LinkedIn? Cadastre-se hoje mesmo Entrar Igor Montarroyos Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brasil Administração governamental Anterior CHESF Formaçãtura de Pernambuco 86 conexões Cadasto acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura. Faça como 300e-se no LinkedIn e acesse o perfil completo de milhões de profissionais e cadastre-se no LinkedIn para compartilhar conexões, ideias e oportunidades. Visualize quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicite uma apresentação Entre em contato direto com Igor Visualize o perfil completo de Igor Histórico profissional Experiência Procurador da Fazenda Nacional Advocacia-Geral da União setembro de 2008 – até o momento (6 anos 5 meses) Procurador na Divisão de Dívida Ativa da União - DIDAU perante a Procuradoria Regional da Fazenda Nacional da 3ª Região.CHESF Advogado CHESF dezembro de 2002 – setembro de 2008 (5 anos 10 meses) Idiomas Inglês Espanhol Alemão Competências Administrative Law Tax Law Litigation Legal Research Mediation English Public Law Tax Legal Advice Power Point Microsoft Word Spanish Microsoft Office Public Speaking Corporate Law Visualizar + 2 Formação acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura de Pernambuco Especialista, Direito Processual Civil 2005 – 2006 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Bacharel, Direito1997 – 2002 Visualize o perfil completo de Igor para...Ver quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicitar uma apresentação Entrar em contato direto com Igor Veja o perfil completo de Igor Essa pessoa chamada Igor Montarroyos de Sousa não é quem você procura? Visualizar outros resultados com o mesmo nome Pesquisa por nome Mais de 300 milhões de profissionais já estão no LinkedIn. Encontre quem você conhece. Procurar usuários por país LinkedIn Corporation© 2014 Contrato do Usuário Política de Privacidade do LinkedIn Diretrize Posté par Igor Montarroyos à 13:05 - LADRAO - Commentarios [0] - Permalien [#] Tags : Advogado Brasil OAB/PE 20735 Igor Montarroyos de Sousa GOOGLE Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735. Ladrao - Traficante de armas.

(Aida Montarroyos de Sousa)

By the way, my brother, a corrupt Brazilian lawyer named Igor Montarroyos de Sousa (Brazilian lawyer number OAB/PE 20735) from Recife, Brazil, living in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo, Brazil is a theif and an illegal arms dealer - He is also involved in organized crime in Brazil.

Nesse feriado de 01.05.2014 nos reunimos para comemorar o níver do amigão Igor Montarroyos!... Apesar do seu níver ser realmente em 27.04, ele escolheu o feriado para comemorar... Tarde/noite maravilhosa!... Só correntes do bem estavam presentes.... O casal Igor e Fabiana demonstraram ser excelentes anfitriões, fazendo com que seus convidados, amigos e familiares, fossem parte ativa da comemoração, havendo um perfeito congraçamento entre todos os participantes. Vou deixar que vocês mesmos vejam as imagens para sentirem como o evento foi agradabilíssimo... Passemos para fotos e vídeos captadas do níver de Igor:




















Postado por Blog da Felicidade às 17:26

Marcadores: NÍVER DE IGOR EM 01.05.2014

Hi, my name is Aida Sousa! (Aidia Montarroyos de Sousa) This is a picture of me and my family - Luiza Montarroyos Vilela de Vasconcelos is our daughter in the middle - I married her father (on the left of the picture) in order to keep a clean appearence to the U.S. immigration authorities and not get deported. I have another black daughter in Brazil from another guy.

Hi, my name is Aida Sousa! (Aida Montarroyos de Sousa) here are pictures of me and my family - They dont't know all of my secrets !

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. OAB/PE 20735 - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. Página inicial do LinkedIn O que é o LinkedIn? Cadastre-se hoje mesmo Entrar Igor Montarroyos Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brasil Administração governamental Anterior CHESF Formaçãtura de Pernambuco 86 conexões Cadasto acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura. Faça como 300e-se no LinkedIn e acesse o perfil completo de milhões de profissionais e cadastre-se no LinkedIn para compartilhar conexões, ideias e oportunidades. Visualize quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicite uma apresentação Entre em contato direto com Igor Visualize o perfil completo de Igor Histórico profissional Experiência Procurador da Fazenda Nacional Advocacia-Geral da União setembro de 2008 – até o momento (6 anos 5 meses) Procurador na Divisão de Dívida Ativa da União - DIDAU perante a Procuradoria Regional da Fazenda Nacional da 3ª Região.CHESF Advogado CHESF dezembro de 2002 – setembro de 2008 (5 anos 10 meses) Idiomas Inglês Espanhol Alemão Competências Administrative Law Tax Law Litigation Legal Research Mediation English Public Law Tax Legal Advice Power Point Microsoft Word Spanish Microsoft Office Public Speaking Corporate Law Visualizar + 2 Formação acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura de Pernambuco Especialista, Direito Processual Civil 2005 – 2006 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Bacharel, Direito1997 – 2002 Visualize o perfil completo de Igor para...Ver quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicitar uma apresentação Entrar em contato direto com Igor Veja o perfil completo de Igor Essa pessoa chamada Igor Montarroyos de Sousa não é quem você procura? Visualizar outros resultados com o mesmo nome Pesquisa por nome Mais de 300 milhões de profissionais já estão no LinkedIn. Encontre quem você conhece. Procurar usuários por país LinkedIn Corporation© 2014 Contrato do Usuário Política de Privacidade do LinkedIn Diretrize Posté par Igor Montarroyos à 13:05 - LADRAO - Commentarios [0] - Permalien [#] Tags : Advogado Brasil OAB/PE 20735 Igor Montarroyos de Sousa GOOGLE Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735. Ladrao - Traficante de armas.

Here is my mother Cirleide Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 14307 - she's a corrupt Brazilian lawyer from Recife - heavy alcoholic and drug consumer - she likes sex with very young and muscular men.

This is my brother, Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - OAB/PE 20735 - (OAB/PE 20735 is his Brazilian lawyers licence number) with his second "wife", Fabiana Montarroyos. At a young age he married his first young "wife" in Recife, Brazil, impregnated her with 1 child and then when his first "wife" was impregnated for the second time, Igor got "caught in bed" in a hotel room with Fabiana, one of his mistresses. Says Igor, "You know, I don't consider myself unfaithful, I just want to enjoy, take advantage of and profit up to a maximum the good tastes of life". He impregnated Fabiana with one child. Igor and I have one thing in common - We are both very "hot". An illegal arms dealer, Igor is involved in organised crime in Brazil.

Here is our cousin - Ayrton Montarroyos, a singer. He too, has funny friends. Where does he really get his money from? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njQ4Rh9vr58&feature=youtu.be

I've never been faithful to my "husband" but don't worry, I'm too smart ! If my brother has never been caught with his involvement in organized crime, neither will I be concerning sex ! See you soon ! P.S. Don't forget - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. Advogado OAB/PE 20735. Ladrao. Traficante de armas.


Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - PE. Praticante fiel de satanismo.

Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil - Pina - Recife - PE. Pastor Adalbéron Garrett.

Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil - Pina - Recife - PE. Pastor Adalbéron Garrett.

São muito poucos os autores que dão definição de seita satânica, principalmente por que tais grupos apresentam uma diversidade de estilos.

Devemos ser justos ao precisar que muitos autores partem da conotação de satanismo para logo tentar definir, a partir e características determinadas, as seitas

Alguns autores apontam como seitas satânicas a todo esse "conjunto de ciências, semiciências, feitiçarias, ocultismo e práticas tenebrosas, que têm como centro a suposição de que o demônio é um ser poderoso ao que se deve render culto, porque ele pode nos dar bem-estar, riqueza e saúde".

Outros apontam que o perigo é que para muitos jovens o grupo satânico aparece como libertador, antes de tudo libertador da moral, das convenções sociais e dos códigos repressivos. Nos grupos, a práticas de desordens sexuais e de ritos repugnantes (esquartejar animais, beber seu sangue, etc.) produz uma libertação das proibições aprendidas na infância.

Quiçá a definição mais exata seja que a seita satânica é um grupo minoritário de pessoas reunidas premeditadamente com o objetivo de adorar ao demônio, como um ser com poderes sobrenaturais capazes de intervir no mundo.

Seus integrantes costumam ser principalmente pessoas com transtornos psicol ógicos e uma profunda rejeição frente a todas as instituições sociais estabelecidas, família, igreja, e
stado, etc.

As reuniões destas seitas se caracterizam pela realização de ritos que não são mais que paródias do rito cristão, preferentemente do Católico ou do Ortodoxo. Estes eventos têm significados ou utilidade de iniciação, dignidade, provas, rogativas ou festivos. Também as seitas são para muitos a evasão perfeita da responsabilidade pessoal ante determinadas ações.

Como elementos comuns podemos apontar que estejam conformadas por poucos membros, a intolerância, a oposição nas esferas social-política e religiosa. Como características privativas delas podemos mencionar a adoração em culto a satanás, " a inversão da ordem sagrada ortodoxa", ensinamento esotérico, "a trindade demoníaca (a Besta, o Anti-Cristo, o Falso Profeta)" e a alteração de orações e credos cristãos.

Quais são as seitas?

Em primeiro lugar da classificação indicamos as "Seitas Luciferinas" que acreditam que Lúcifer foi tratado injustamente pelo cristianismo, já que ele é o símbolo do conhecimento e a sabedoria sendo portanto a verdadeira luz, buscam o poder, o dinheiro e as influências. Uma de suas principais características é o segredo de suas atividades. Seu rito central é a missa negra ou vermelha e costumam ter uma forma anarquista de ver a vida.

Em segundo lugar estão as seitas Satanistas conformadas por indivíduos de nível intelectual médio-alto, normalmente profissionais ou empregados de mandos meio conhecedores de diferentes matérias esotéricas sendo "seu forte" tudo o que tenha relação com a astrologia e a magia.

Apresentam uma estratificação particular baseada no nível de "dignidade" ou compromisso de seus membros. Não costumam ser confrontantes, não se reconhecem a si mesmos como integrantes de uma seita, mas de uma religião que foi incompreendida e perseguida pelos cristãos. Pertencem a este nível de classificação seitas como "A Igreja de Satã", "O Templo de Set", entre outras.

Em terceiro lugar da classificação indicamos aos "Adoradores de Set" ou "Amigos de Lúcifer" que podem, e de fato têm sido , vistos como as mais perigosas. São constantemente relacionados com seqüestros, abusos sexuais, indução a suicídios e inclusive a homicídios. São características delas mostras de "fidelidade e dignidade" como o seqüestro de cadáveres, beber sangue, a exposição sexual e atos tão aberrantes como a necrofagia e a necrofilia.

Mais uma vez devemos enfatizar ao apontar que esta classificação pode ser considerada como válida mas sob nenhuma perspectivas como absoluta já que em algumas seitas satânicas se dão ou podem chegar a dar-se, a mistura de características de um ou outro grupo e inclusive a gerar em seu interior uma nova variante.


Para falar das causas da existência das seitas satânicas, devemos partir, que desde sempre o homem se sentiu fascinado pelo misterioso, maravilhado pelo sobrenatural, inclinado à magia por meio da qual espera encontrar respostas a seus questionamentos ou a satisfação de suas carências.

Igualmente podemos apontar que, se as seitas satânicas existem, deve-se em grande parte ao mal uso que o homem tem feito de sua liberdade, a que tem encaminhado na busca de experiências mágicas que em curto prazo se transformam em experiências daninhas que o conduzem ao afastamento de Deus, dos homens, da Igreja e, consequentemente, da realidade.

Como estas e outras possíveis causas podem "somar e seguir", entretanto optamos por nos referirmos também, não somente a aquelas causas de índole existencial individual, mas também a aquelas do âmbito social; para isso consideramos tratar de cinco fatores chaves para o surgimento e proliferação destes grupos.

Os fatores s ão o político, desemprego, violência urbana, marginalidade e desagregação familiar, esta escolha não deve conduzir nem reduzir nosso pensamento exclusivamente a esses fatores posto que sem dúvida existem muitos outros possíveis elementos ou fatores causadores de que estes grupos sejam uma

Perfil psicológico

O perfil psicológico dos membros de uma seita costuma ser geralmente os mesmos como são a total rebeldia, a morbidez e as experiências extremas.
Um lar relativista e principalmente anti-religioso são o 'caldo de cultivo' para que os valores e a promoção pessoal vá decaindo, chegando inclusive a não ter importância nada mais que o viver o mome

Isto tem conduzido à concepção de que tudo é relativo, que a vida é um passar com um sentido puramente transitório. O que antes era 'as diversões de fim de semana' passou a ser um sistema de vida onde deve-se viver a maior quantidade de emoções no menor prazo possível, porque a vida pode se acabar em qualquer instante.

Entretanto, esta é posição exterior, a que muitas vezes não responde à interior. Interiormente o indivíduo pede um respaldo, uma ajuda ou uma companhia, esteja presente um forte déficit emocional, o sem sentido da vida que os rodeia não é mais que o produto da ausência das pessoas que são parte importante de suas vidas daqueles que os protegem frente aos acontecimento
s adversos.

Suas personalidades enormemente inseguras os faz estar à espera de algo que os confirme, já não importa em quê, mas que o faça. Sentem que os calços normais há não são suficientes pelo que é necessário descobrir algum tipo de poder superior que consiga 'despertar esta sociedade tonteada por si mesma e afogada em seu próprio ser',

São freqüentes nestas pessoas a depressão, o consumo de álcool e drogas, elementos que levam a um estado de esquizofrenia ou paranóia. É necessário assinalar que o perigo destas patologias é tornar-se evidentes somente em um estado avançado, pois sua detecção não é fácil à primeira vista.

De igual modo os sintomas próprios delas podem passas despercebidos chegando a ser considerado, muito comum entre as pessoas, o sujeito como um indivíduo norma e em seus seguidores como um 'iluminado'.

O que diz a Igreja

A resposta da Igreja Católica , em relação ao demônio, suas ações e suas manifestações tem sido através da história da humanidade muito enfática.
Dentro da atitude da Igreja Católica frente ao satanismo se fazem necessárias e imprescindíveis o reconhecimento da existência do fenôm

Não se pode continuar pensando que não se dá o fenômeno em nossas sociedades ou comunidades: existem grupos organizados, inclusive com estruturas de caráter internacional, ou grupos que têm influência deles.

Também tem que existir um conhecimento do fenômeno. Deve haver alguém que o estude e possa dar informações convenientes e sérias aos agentes pastorais, assim como aos membros das comunidades.

Esse conhecimentos não pode ser uma simples informação, mas que deva concluir em uma tomada de posição desde a fé; isso levará em quem realiza a investigação, como em quem se serve dela, uma profissão de fé na ação pascal da Igreja.

Também requerem-se duas coisas: a primeira é que a informação que se ofereça às pessoas vá também acompanhada da postura da Igreja e de ensinamentos doutrinais muitos claros e seguros; em segundo lugar, que quem faz a investigação tenha maturidade espiritual, humana e psíquica necessária, para evitar fracassos ou problemas subseqüentes.

Com uma consciência missionária e com sentido de compromisso evangelizador, a Igreja tem que ir ao encontro dos mais frágeis, para oferecer-lhes a fortaleza da graça de Deus e a claridade da luz de Cristo. Isto exigem não somente acudir a eles, mas também acompanhá-los com sentido pastoral e de maneira contínua. Assim mesmo implicará, com sã imaginação pastoral, dar-lhes novos caminhos (os da palavra de Deus) e esperança de crescimento, convidando-os a que sua decisão seja também clara por partes deles e assim se arrisquem a seguir Jesus.

Uma das ações que a Igreja deverá fortalecer nos próximos tempos é a de aprofundar na catequese das crianças, adolescentes e jovens. Catequese contínua, catequese profunda: um convite a assumir a própria responsabilidade da fé. Catequese capilar para que penetre em todos e em todo o ser humano: que o faça vibrar com a palavra de Deus e o conduza a uma opção fundamental por Cristo.

Uma pastoral juvenil adequada e que responda aos desafios do momento. Uma profunda ação evangelizadora que fará dos jovens melhores e mais seguros seguidores de Cristo, lhes permitirá conhecer os inimigos que têm a seu redor e tomar posturas frente a eles desde uma opção de fé.

Deve-se anunciar a tempo e a destempo, valendo-se de todos os meios de que dispomos. Assim anunciaremos a força salvadora do Cordeiro vencedor do demônio.

Nosso tempo

A cultura atual se vê marcada por fatos que lamentavelmente a afastam da esfera das crenças. Já, tanto nossa sociedade, como nossa cultura, não têm a religião por centro unificador, mas seu centro localiza-se no homem e no que este pode conseguir por si mesmo, exercitando unicamente sua razão.

Este e outros motivos tem ajudado à proliferação das seitas, posto que o indivíduo sente a necessidade de algo que responda seus questionamentos mais profundos; é assim como produto desta busca que aparecem novos movimentos religiosos ou pseudo-religioões. São característicos deste momento movimentos espirituais -esotéricos tais como o da Nova Era.

É um fato inegável destes tempos a subjetividade e o relativismo que envolvem decisões humanas, mas ao mesmo tempo o desejo desta humanidade de transformar a realidade social e individual, respondendo à questões que o inquietam, despertando questionamentos; em síntese buscando a melhor maneira de adequar a posição de homens de fé à situação cultural reinante, a qual tem como grande influência o avanço das ciências e da técnica.

Cada acontecimentos desta cultura 'moderna' pode conduzir a passos gigantescos à total ruptura entre fé-ciência, entretanto, hoje contemplamos o como tornam-se cada vez mais presente facilidades para o diálogo entre a cultura e a Igreja. Existe a tomada de consciência desta necessidade; falta quiçá a adequação aos novos tempos, não somente da Igreja, mas também do homem como indivíduo imerso em uma sociedade que dia a dia tem menos tempo para a reflexão e a busca do princípio primeiro e fundamental de nossa humanidade.

Falar de satanás não é fácil mesmo quando o encontramos presente no instante de nossa criação; é assim como em nossa cultura, para alguns moderna para outros pós moderna, enfrentamos a indiferença, o medo ou a negação da existência deste ser criado e caído.

A Igreja desde sempre reconheceu e afirmou a existência de satanás como criatura de Deus; isto, entretanto, tem sido objeto de controvérsias no interior dela. Foram muitos os teólogos que trabalharam sobre o demônio, mas ainda sim, não podemos afirmar certamente se todos e cada um deles reconhecem e afirmam a existência de satanás com criatura.

O satanismo é composto por muitas crenças ideológicas e filosóficas e fenômenos sociais. As características comuns entre elas incluem associação símbólica com, admiração pelo personagem de e até veneração de Satanás ou de outras figuras rebeldes similares, como Prometeu, e figuras libertadoras.

Existem diferentes correntes de satanismo, com diferentes crenças e práticas. Existem satanistas teístas e ateístas. Enquanto os teístas acreditam na existência de uma entidade chamada Satanás, os ateístas não acreditam em divindades como Deus e o Diabo, e vêem Satanás como um símbolo do orgulho, independência e ambição pessoal.[1]

Algumas das origens do satanismo podem ter começado com rituais de adoração e em honra ao titãPrometeu, ao deus egípcio Seth, ao deus SumérioEnki ou ao deus Moloque, adorado pelos amonitas.[2]

No cristianismo, Satanás, também chamado de Lúcifer por muitos cristãos, aparece pela primeira vez no livro Crônicas, instigando Davi a fazer um censo deIsrael.

O cristianismo e o Islam tipicamente consideram Satanás como o adversário ou inimigo, mas muitas revisões e recomposições populares de contos bíblicos inseriram sua presença e influência em quase todos os aspectos de posição adversa, até à narração da Criação, em Gênesis e Queda do Homem. Especialmente por cristãos e muçulmanos, a figura de Satanás foi tratada variavelmente, como competidor rebelde ou invejoso dos seres humanos, de Jesus, e caracterizado como anjo caído oudemônio governador do submundo penitencial, acorrentado num poço fundo, vagando pelo planeta em busca de almas ou provendo ímpeto para farsas mundanas.

Particularmente após o iluminismo, algumas obras, como "Paraíso Perdido", foram tomadas pelosromânticos e descritas como ilustradoras do Satanás bíblico como uma alegoria, representando crise de fé, individualismo, livre-arbítrio, sabedoria e iluminação. Essas obras demonstrando Satanás como um personagem heróico são poucas, mas existem; George Bernard Shaw, William Blake e Mark Twain("Letters from the Earth") incluíram tais caracterizações nos seus trabalhos bem antes de satanistas religiosos começarem a escrever. Foi então que Satanás e o satanismo começaram a ganhar novos significados fora do cristianismo.[3]

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - praticante fiel de satanismo. Ladrao. Traficante de armas.

Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. Advogado OAB/PE 20735.

Posté par Ipb123 à 21:07 - Advogado. - Commentaires [2] - Permalien [#]

Tags : Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advo, São Paulo OABPE 20735 - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS.

On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.

Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.

In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tastes, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).

















Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.

Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.

Bank fraud.



Garrett family - luxery VIP flights and sleeping in 3 star hotels.

And Julia Garrett's cozy home which she stole.


"¨Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett's sister - Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - thief - psycopath - manic depressive - close to the Recife death squads. Daughter of a communist criminal. Her husband, Sr. Pedro Rios was also a criminal and a alcoolic. Several years ago, Sr. Pedro Rios was murdered. Until today, nobody knows why.

Crime in the streets.

Hunger and poverty in the streets.

The rich spoiled children of the Garrett family. $$

Julia Garrett with armed faction gang (Red Command-CV) member-soldier wearing grey cap and blue shirt. In the back of his jeans: a 45 caliber automatic pistol model 1911 with two 15 bullet reload magazines.

Rio de Janeiro Militia Made $3 Million Per Year

A Rio de Janeiro militia currently under investigation is said to have raised an average of $3 million per year through extortion and other illicit activities, an indication of the militias' ability to raise significant amounts of cash.

Police arrested 11 members of Rio de Janeiro militia the Liga da Justiça (Justice League) on December 6,according to Brazilian news outlet UOL. The city police unit that investigates organized crime said that the militia made an average of $250,000 per month, mostly through the extortion of local community members (including security "taxes"), and providing other services such as the installation of illegal cable television. The militia is active in a western neighborhood, Campo Grande.

One of the men arrested is a local pastor at a Pentecostal Church, accused of helping the militia handle their financial operations. According to the head of the police organized crime unit, the church essentially functioned as the militia's "loans and collection" office. The pastor was also known to endorse milita-backed political candidates from his pulpit.

According to a 2012 study by the State University of Rio de Janeiro, the city's militias have changed their modus operandi over the past several years, becoming more clandestine and less affiliated with active duty or retired police personnel. The authors of the study, sociologists Ignacio Cano and Thais Duarte, say this transformation has come about because militias are losing legitimacy in the eyes of the public, and are frequently unable to convince politicians and citizens to give them support. This has limited their ability to operate openly in Rio de Janeiro and has reduced the economic and political power they once wielded. This influence reached its peak during 2006 and 2007, when a number of militia-backed political candidates were elected to public office, the study states.

The investigation into the Liga da Justiça's dealings, however, paints a different picture. Despite operating in an allegedly more difficult environment, this militia was still able to pull in over $3 million in funds per year, through the same illicit practices traditionally associated with paramilitary organizations. The militia was also still able to garner public support from the local priest, a sign of their ability to continue establishing alliances with community leaders.

Militias have operated in Rio de Janeiro for three decades and are closely linked with the city's police force. The vigilante groups initially formed to push criminal gangs and drug traffickers out of certain neighborhoods, but are now considered to be another criminal

Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, participating in double billing schemes, illicite bookeeping, laundering dirty money, unlawfully selling weapons, this is the everyday work of Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 and his dirty crook lawyer friends from the OAB in Recife, PE. Sao Paulo, and elsewhere in Brazil. Brazilian lawyer Igor Montarroyos de Sousa lawyer number OAB/PE 20735. Civil Prosecutor from the office of general lawyers union in Sao Bernardo de Campo, Sao Paulo. Con-man and illegal arms dealer. Originally from Recife - Lives in Sao Bernardo de Campo, Sao Paulo. Close friend of Brazilian crook lawyer Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636 from Recife.

The Mother of Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Brazilian crook lawyer Cirleide Montarroyos OAB/PE 14307. http://www.jusbrasil.com.br/topicos/48210024/cirleide-montarroyos-de-oliveira

Edir Macedo is 5-foot-6, slight, and 68 years old. He has a sparse crown of graying hair, and more than 5 million followers, whose donations over the last 36 years have made him a billionaire. In Brazil, where he was born and raised, he is a major national figure, the subject of dozens of criminal inquiries, and the owner of Rádio & Televisão Record, a media conglomerate that runs the country’s second-largest television network. He is known to most everyone by the title he created for himself: He is O Bispo—“The Bishop.” Macedo is the founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, a Pentecostal denomination specializing in prosperity theology, which links faith to financial success. He preaches twice a week, often in two different cities, and the sermons are fervently watched on church websites, his Facebook page, and the miniature TV sets that Brazilian taxi drivers like to keep on their dashboard. Now and then he holds outdoor events that draw crowds of half a million. In February he addressed 5,000 of his parishioners at one of his churches in Belo Horizonte, in southeastern Brazil. High overhead, a stained-glass cross lit by fluorescent bulbs took up most of the ceiling while a theater-size screen blew him up for the pews in the back. He paced back and forth on the stage, explaining the intersection of God and money. “Which is the largest country in the world, economically speaking? It’s America, the United States. Do you know why? Because way back—this is history, you can look it up on the Internet—the colonization was done by men who believed in the word of God. And they were tithers,” he said. “That’s why you see on the dollar bill: ‘In God we trust.’ ”

In Macedo’s teaching, tithing, or giving 10 percent of your income to the church, is a mandate from God. Tithing was never part of Brazil’s Catholic tradition, and, for Macedo, that explains many of the country’s problems. In Belo Horizonte that day, he quoted Malachi, a favorite of prosperity theologians, pointing to 3:10, where the Lord promises to the faithful tither that He will “pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” A man of humble beginnings, Macedo offered his own success as proof. “Our culture is retrograde, a stingy culture, a culture with no view of the future,” he said. “Only you can change this situation. Tithing is you on God’s altar, just as Jesus was God’s tithe for humanity.”

Silvio Luís Martins de Oliveira, a prosecutor in São Paulo, says that Macedo’s promise of riches amounts to fraud. In a 2009 case that is just now being tried, he accuses Macedo and three high-ranking church members of conspiracy, money laundering, and undeclared international cash transfers. “The preachers make use of the faith, desperation, or ambition of [their followers] to sell the idea that God and Jesus Christ only look upon those who contribute financially to the church,” Oliveira wrote in a criminal complaint. In his description, the Universal Church enriches its leaders far more than its faithful.

Macedo is proud of his success, but turns questions about his wealth into questions of the spirit. He declined an in-person interview; in an e-mail, he writes: “From the point of view of my faith in Jesus Christ, I am the richest man in
the world.”

STORY: Brazil's Domestic Servants Get Work Equality

Whatever the semantics, he has prospered. The Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimates his wealth at $1.2 billion, entirely because of his ownership of Rádio & Televisão Record. The conglomerate’s namesake TV network produces standard commercial fare: telenovelas (sometimes Biblical), sex-infused reality shows, and journalism that dwells on grisly crimes. Record also runs a cable news channel, a handful of radio stations, three newspapers, a film-production company, and even a small bank, as well as cable and satellite units scattered around the world.

Macedo purchased Record, then just a debt-ridden TV network, in 1989 for $45 million. The transaction led to an investigation by Brazil’s tax agency, which found that he’d used interest-free loans from the Universal Church to fund it, and fined him for failing to declare the loans as income. In his defense, Macedo said he’d bought Record on behalf of the church to create the country’s first evangelical TV network. The argument failed to convince tax inspectors and led prosecutors to file suit in 1997, seeking to strip Record’s broadcasting license on the grounds that Brazil’s constitution forbids religious institutions from owning radio or TV stations. In testimony for that case, Macedo acknowledged the loans, while changing tack to say that he had acquired Record for himself. The case dragged on for more than a decade until a federal judge, Leonel Ferreira, ruled in Macedo’s favor in 2011. In his decision, Ferreira wrote that the church’s transfer of cash to Macedo could imply that, far from being frontmen for the church, he and his deputies “control the church absolutely and use it for their own benefit.” But, he said, such speculation fell outside the limits of the case at hand.

Record grossed $1.1 billion in 2011, a good chunk of which came from the Universal Church. The church buys up to six hours of airtime each day, almost always after midnight, when advertising sales are scarce; during Record’s more profitable hours, the church runs its sermons on other networks. Silas Malafaia, one of Brazil’s best-known televangelists (and the wealthy leader of a different Pentecostal denomination), says he used to buy time at the going market rate in the 1990s, until one day the network raised its price tenfold. “The church pays millions to Record, way more than the programming is worth, so that he can expand his TV network,” Malafaia says. “He uses a legal artifice for something unjust.” Neither party has disclosed how much their arrangement is worth today, but in 1999, Record’s then-chief executive officer, Demerval Gonçalves, told the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper that the church provided 15 percent of the company’s overall revenue. The church also pays Record’s publishing arm to print most of the 2.5 million copies of its weekly newspaper.

Faith is sometimes so intoxicating that it can even fill the sick and suffering with the improbable hope that a 10-year-old will heal them with a simple touch.

Such child healers in Brazil are only part of the growing chorus of self-anointed miracle workers. The explosive spiritual movement is 44 million followers strong.

“Anyone can become a pastor,” Professor Eduardo Refkalefsky, who studies the business of churches in Brazil, told ABC News’ “Nightline.” “[Anyone] can open a church.”

Evangelical Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Brazil, and some say it's threatening the Catholic Church’s historical dominance in the country.

For Extreme Evangelical Street Preachers, Shouting Controversial Sermons Is a Family Affair

Alleged Church Ponzi Schemer Arrested on Federal Fraud Charges

Evangelical Christian Models Give Up Runways for Jesus

But with millions of souls and millions of donations at stake, critics say that many bogus merchants of faith are turning huge profits with false promises.

Enterprising evangelical pastors benefit from a total lack of regulations, Refkalefsky said. Many pastors lure new worshipers with visions of prosperity and health, he added.

To those in his church, Brazilian evangelical Pastor Arodo offers not only to exorcise inner demons or to counsel couples, but to provide chiropractic care and promises of wealth.

When asked whether the Catholic Church can compete with his brand of Christianity, Arodo told “Nightline,” “Absolutely not, because… what I have is a gift from God. It’s not mine. It’s a gift from God.”

At Arodo’s church, believers line up to offer donations, and in return he splashes them with his own special holy oil.

“Don’t skimp on an act of God,” Arodo told his worshipers. “Stand up and come here with your money in hand.”

“It’s a very informal business, because the money just [goes] directly from the wallet of the member to the wallet of the pastor of the church,” professor Refkalefsky said. “There’s no control of the money.”

That has made salvation a booming business. “The number of churches [is] rising more than the number of the members,” Refkalefsky said.

Nowhere is the growth more apparent than in Sao Goncalo, Brazil, which, by some estimates, has more churches per square mile than anywhere else in Latin America.

Sao Goncalo’s most popular child healer is 10-year-old Alani Santos, who has been drawing believers to her father Adauto Santos’ church since she was 3.

Alani has become a local celebrity, appearing on talk shows with her dad and even hosting an Internet radio show with listeners from around the globe.

“I don’t feel any pressure from my family,” Alani told “Nightline.” “If I don’t feel like doing it, they let me. And I like doing it, so I’m never going to stop.”

Croatian Daniel Nesak, who said he was shot in the head during a war, leaving the left side of his body partially paralyzed, underwent years of painful operations and therapy. Desperate for a miracle, he traveled halfway across the world to Alani’s church.

After experiencing her healing touch, Nesak attempted to grip a microphone stand with his paralyzed hand to test the miracle, but he was unable to do so. “It didn’t change physically much, maybe next time,” Nesak told “Nightline” immediately after the exchange.

Although many are cured instantly, Pastor Santos said, others experience gradual results.

“People that don’t know this, people who’ve never seen this … they don’t know it, so it’s easier to criticize,” Santos told “Nightline.” “It’s easier for the person to believe a lie than the truth, you know?”

Nesak is still holding out hope for a full recovery.

Normélia Furtado Garrett and her family - Organized crime in Recife, PE.

The word of God is clear in regard to religion, "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself without spot from the world. "(James 1:27), that the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, and the translation of the King James have," Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. " (James 1:27). So why have an article in Forbes magazine recently published appearing where the five richest pastors in Brazil with fortunes estimated at millions and even billions of dollars. This is substantiated by a theology that has reached thousands of fans in the country, the famous "Prosperity Theology". But why be writing this article is to give a testimony of indignation and warn the population that should follow but our true leader, Jesus Christ, who was rich became poor and died for us on the cross, not the false prophets that enriched at the expense of the poor people, and encourage everyone to read the Bible not to be fooled by these people.

A little while ago I was a member of the International Church of the Grace of God (IIGD) and was tired of many things wrong that route being practiced by some of their leaders, as the example of a pastor who went to church hat on his head, what should not be done according to the Scriptures, "For man should not have his head covered, since it is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of man." (1 Corinthians 11:7), the fact that church we attended for years show the same infrastructure problems, old plastic chairs, not to mention that actually did not look good a church, but he had the look of a room rented commercial. Will the Mission with his fortune of $ 150 million can not buy a church for us? From what I know the Churches Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, The Catholic Church and many other churches have their own, because we with what we pay in tithes, offerings and sponsorships for a person who earns R $ 1,000.00 can get at a cost of R $ 230.00 (depending on how much you pay bid month and considering that the missionary asks about R $ 100.00 to sponsors) per month on average, have to attend sheds, commercial offices, agencies Oldest Bank, among others. As far as I know, the Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses are built with money and effort of the members and leaders, it does not need to exploit anyone. The same positive example we see in the Christian Congregation Church of Brazil, like the Jehovah's Witness with an effort of its own members and leaders build their churches and halls. Therefore, where it is being used the people's money? Another discrepancy is related to biblical teaching, as I know, the Adventist church gives its members the Bible study by Sabbath School, Assembly of God Church conducts Sunday school, the Jehovah's Witnesses have done studies where the person needs in their homes, workplace ... But the common thread among them all is that the study does not charge, but the International Church of the Grace of God Bible study charges for "Tickle", a value of $ 50.00, with discounts for those who want to be a worker. Anyway, the collection for study by the average amount charged above gives us R $ 280.00 for those who receive an average $ 1,000.00 per month, but that's not all.

Recently, I was worried, as my wife, with the bureaucracy and the difficulty we had in relation to buying a home and our finances. I went to church to receive a word of comfort and what I heard was that the pastor of the Bridge IIGD Imaruim, Palhoça: - If you want to improve life, you should do an undergraduate degree, a specialization, a master's degree, a doctorate, ... But the Bible says the following:

"Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added. 34 So never be anxious about the next day, because the next day will have its own anxieties. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. "(Matheus - 6:33-34), so I thought to myself," ... good! is not exactly what I'm doing! studying at one of the best institutions of the country, the UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), in addition to working as a programmer for a technology company, but this saved me from operating a corrupt financial system where the worker to finance a home paid for three and a half gets home. How to study mathematics at university, I'm still trying to solve this calculation, but without success, (1 X 3 = ½), of course this is my ironic. That was the day out of the church because I did not agree with a pastor who instead of preaching what was written in the Bible, preached the opposite.

What happens is that evangelical churches today take money from poor people and well wishers to get rich and preach lies and not the true word of God. As a person who tells a child of God can have a fortune worth billions and see the little Jesus starving and not give money to the poor? This is not what the word says in James 1:27, as previously? What about those who say they are apostles, but preach with a cowboy hat on his head reminding us that millionaires bought two farms with the people's money?

We must remember to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ does not mean to be religious, nor agree with everything he says without a pastor critically evaluate according to what the word says, but loving God, Jehovah above all things and your neighbor as He loved us. Finally, there is a rule that I learned from the mouth of a brother (which is not something very right in believing) that a member of the International Church of the Grace of God to unlink the church and not be expelled must go to the pastor of his church and ask the blessing to retire, if this is true I want you to know that I will not do this because I do not recognize the authority of the pastor or any other religious leader, but only Jehovah, God the Father and Jesus Christ our sir. Why I say that is that I'm abandoning IIGD they do not give a teaching according to the word of God, but continue following Jesus, reading the Bible and practicing the word that is what really matters to me and the real Christians.

List of Pastors Brazil's richest according to Forbes:

Pastor Active Fortuna

Macedo With more than 10 million books sold, Macedo is the founder and leader of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, which controls Rede Record, currently the second largest broadcaster in Brazil. Its assets include besides the TV, newspaper, Folha Universal (circulation of more than 2.5 million), the news channel News Record, record labels, several properties and a private jet company, Bombardier Global Express XRS, evaluated at $ 45 million. $ 950 million

Valdemiro Santiago Former member of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Santiago is the founder of the Worldwide Church of God's Power, with over 900,000 followers and 4,000 temples. $ 220 million

Silas Malafaia Leader of the Brazilian branch of the House of God, the largest Pentecostal church in Brazil. The pastor is followed on Twitter by more than 440,000 users. Launched a campaign called "The Club One Million Souls", which aims to raise $ 500 million (U.S. $ 1 billion) for his church in order to create a global television network that would broadcast in 137 countries. $ 150 million

Romildo Ribeiro Soares (RR Soares) Founder of the International Church of the Grace of God and also a former member of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Soares is one of the most regular faces on Brazilian television. $ 125 million

Estevam Hernandes Filho and "Bishop" Sonia Founders Reborn in Christ Church, overseeing more than 1,000 churches in Brazil and abroad, including several in Florida, United States. The couple appeared on the international headlines in 2007 when he was arrested in Miami on charges of transporting more than $ 56,000 in undeclared cash. The only football player Kaká, who left the institution in 2010 alleging misuse of money, have donated more than $ 1 million (£ 2 million) to the church.

How the Unified Church Can Respond to Global Corruption: A Call which Will Impact Millions

Robson Pereira Category: PerspectivesIssue: 12-2005

Life for a person living below the poverty line is short. This is the terrible conclusion one can reach by looking at indicators concerning human development.1 To many evangelists, this might produce a sense of powerlessness. People are starving, suffering and dying everyday. Misery has been among us for a long time2,and despite the efforts to diminish the vacuum between rich and poor by many organizations, the problem seems to grow larger each day. The causes of this are many: natural disasters, unjust international commercial laws, a history of political dependence and more. This article intends to help educate Christians on how to aid those under the poverty level to live longer and have a greater chance to hear the gospel.

There is one cause of poverty that seems to be present in all countries: corruption. Historically, corruption was not seen as a major international problem; however, in the last twenty years, important studies have detailed the impact corruption has on society. It devastates both the economy and the political system of a country. One major hypothesis in recent studies refers to the level of democracy and the perception of corruption in a given country. Corruption increases in large bureaucracies where state control is a strong tool for governmental perpetuation.

The major problem concerning corruption is the deviation of important financial resources. Those in politics and business take money meant for special projects such as those designed to fight misery. Millions of people depend on money sent by aid agencies; however, much of what is sent is stolen. Each year one trillion dollars is taken by corrupt individuals.3 Even in a case where a high rate of corruption goes with strong economic growth, the problem is considerable because the economy can take only so much deviation before going into a reverse process which will provoke profound economic recession.4

Corruption is also tied with terrorism. Often, some of the money taken is sent to feed terrorist actions. Drug dealers and weapon smugglers are all beneficiaries of a system that takes away what was sent for the poor.

The Church has tried for quite some time to tackle poverty and misery while evangelizing. Frustration often overwhelms missionaries who see children dying prematurely. They lift their fists to heaven and cry out for justice. The Church’s commitment to evangelism is seen through the worldwide Lausanne movement in bringing churches together to accomplish this difficult task. However, it is also time for serious reflection on the Church’s position concerning corruption and its effects on world evangelization. The world is moving towards a historical moment when the United Nations Convention Against Corruption is about to enter in force. Other organizations have already been addressing these issues: Organization of American States (OAS), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Council of Europe. The Church must now also make a more focused stand against corruption. We can start by studying the book of Acts. This will lead us to change our view of the world, which will lead us to change our attitude in the world. This will result in us changing the world.

Acts: A Biblical Witness to Transformation
The disciples had been commissioned to evangelize the world; but they were shut up in the upper room for fear of what would happen to them (Acts 9). They looked upon the world as an instrument of destruction. Both the Jews and the Romans were a threat. The Holy Spirit came upon them and they began to see the world differently. Killers and assassins that they had been afraid of became people who needed the message of salvation. The disciples were the only ones who could deliver it. Once their vision of the world was changed, they could change their attitude as well. Fear gave way to boldness and anger was overcome by love. They were changed men. This paradigm shift brought about the most impressive change in world history. We need this shift again to

According to Luke, the spread of the gospel had to do with a break in the status quo. Christians had to stop obeying the rules of men and start adopting the rule of God, even when it brought suffering. This is exemplified in the courage shown by Peter and John before authorities (4:19); how the first Christians cared for the poor (4:32-35); and in the error of Ananias and Saphire (5:1-11). In 8:14-24, Simon, who was once a sorcerer, came to faith. However, he had not been changed from within and soon erred. The answer he received should be the Christian answer when tempted to corruption: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money” (8:20).

God was changing how they saw the world in order to change their attitude in the world. In Acts 10:9-16 Peter learns about the salvation of the Gentiles. It is a testimony that conversion is always followed by transformation.

Acts depicts many other passages that show that when one embraces the faith, God will require a change only accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. This change will only occur when an individual seeks it. Failure to see this change might reveal a “heart not right before God” (8:21). The solution is “repentance and prayer” (8:22).

Latin America and Beyond: How to Fight Corruption
The unifying call to fight corruption will have a great impact on world economies. All Christians should avoid engaging in any activity that could be called corrupt. It might mean paying a price; however, the call stands. Let us be poor, but honest. Let our treasure be in the heavenly realms. We will make a real difference in the world when, united as one, we abdicate corrupt practices. The grim reality is that when we look at the one billion plus Catholics and protestants in the world today, we must face the fact that corruption exists in the Church as w

Latin America is one of the regions in the world where corruption exists. United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan recently affirmed that fighting poverty in Latin America will only be successful when governments manage to curb corruption.5 According to Transparency International (TI), most Latin American countries appear with rates below 5.0.6; Many of these countries, which are striken with poverty, have a high population of both Catholics and protestants.

However, one might say that although this may be true of Latin American countries, it is not true of the global situation. A quick look at developed countries shows differently.7 For some time, mostly protestant, developed countries have insisted that corruption belonged to underdeveloped countries. In order to do business with these “underdeveloped” countries, many companies engaged in bribe payments. Some, like Germany and France, allowed tax deductions for money used in bribing foreign officials who benefited in major contract signing. In 2002 TI published the Bribe Payer’s Index (BPI) which showed countries according to their propensity to pay bribes in international negotiations. The report revealed a high propensity to pay bribes in countries such as Italy, the United States, France and Spain – all Christian countries.8 We must face the fact that rich Christians countries have contributed to spreading corruption, poverty and injustice.

We can infer that the some Christians that go out to share the gospel become involved in acts of bribery and illicit enrichment. Some have even offered to tithe all stolen goods. Some thank the Lord for illicit contracts, contracts which may send thousands of people, including Christian brothers and sisters, into a world of deprivation and misery. Some accept presents from corrupt authorities. Some sell their votes to help someone in their family get a job. Pastors lead congregations to vote on a corrupt candidate because the candidate unlawfully promised to give them land to build a church, Christian judges sell sentences to put money in their bank account.

We, as Christians, must recognize we are part of the problem. After acknowledging the Church’s role in corruption and injustice, we must act. The following are suggestions to tackling corruption and its relation to global poverty:

Preach consistently against corruption. Today, there are only a few places in the world where individuals cannot talk about corruption. Surely, these are the same places where the name of Jesus Christ isn’t welcome. Preachers should present sermons about corruption. A study of the Bible will show a number of occasions where men tried to bribe, rob, steal and kill. We need to hear more about the transformation the Holy Spirit brings to all areas of our lives.

Publish academic resources on how Christians combat corruption worldwide. Christians are found in varied fields of work. The Church should encourage theorists in various fields to write biblically-based articles and books on the impact of corruption on the population. The gospel message should be stated as the way to change people’s character.

Develop programs on personal integrity. The Christian world needs a down-to-earth program to curb corruption. Small groups should be formed in churches to discuss the subject. A study called “Total Integrity” will be launched in Brazil in 2006. It deals with integrity by addressing three main areas: personal integrity, social integrity and spiritual integrity. The objective is to help Christians and non-Christians look at corruption and its impact on world poverty.

Pressure governments to fight poverty and corruption. There are Christians working in organizations throughout the world, yet the Church does not appear as an instrument of pressure in world politics. In many cases, the Church has not said much concerning terrorism, human rights, organized crime, authoritarianism, war or treatment of the environment. We must speak out when governments or individuals are going against the commands of God found in Scripture.

Formation of an International Office Against Corruption. The Christian world needs a specialized office in the matter of curbing corruption that combines academic rigor and biblical commitment.

CRISCOR: An Example from Brazil
In Brazil, there is an initiative called CRISCOR (Christians Against Corruption, http://www.criscor.org/), which seeks to use biblical ethics to encourage both Catholics and protestants in the fight against corruption. Criscor is working with the United Nations Office Against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and has promoted social transformation based on a fair distribution of wealth. Criscor has a ten-year goal of taking Brazil’s CPI from 3.9 (2004) to 7.0. In a country where 22% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is taken through corruption, it is believed that more money will arrive to the poor by 2015. This will improve the lives of millions who would otherwise die of hunger and bad health conditions. By living longer, they will have a greater chance of hearing the gospel mess

Only when the Church is willing to look at corruption as a real threat to world evangelism will it be motivated to change. Christians in Europe and North America are called to join forces with Christians in Latin America, Africa and Asia to present an international and historical answer to world injustice, breaking the hold Satan has had on many nations. Our Lord Jesus Christ has called us to be light in this world. A small candle might not be enough to remove the darkness that corruption has brought into the world; however, millions of candles will surely provide the world with a powerful witness of the glory of God. If we all work together, those who live in both spiritual and social darkness might indeed live longer and hear the gospel mess

1. http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/data
2. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/contacts.shtml#papers.
3. As seen on October 3, 2005.
4. Rose-Ackerman. “The Political Economy of Corruption.” In Corruption and the Global Economy. ed. Kimberly Ann Elliott. June 1997.
5. www.un.org/News/ossg/sg/index.shtml
6. For TI’s CPI – Corruption Perception Index – 10.0 indicates a country free of corruption perception, while 0.0 indicates a country with absolute perception of corruption (cf www.transparency.org/)
7. The United States passed a bill in 1977 called FCPA which tightens the procedures of accountability. In the 1990s American companies Enron and World Com managed to live parallel to this law. Seewww.synergyassociates.ca/documents/Corporate%20Governance%20after%20
8. www.transparency.org/pressreleases

Robson C. Pereira is founder of Criscor (Christians Against Corruption), a movement in Brazil to bring awareness to churches about the impact corruption has on a population. Pereira is senior pastor at Brazil’s Evangelical Christian Church. He is an accredited national speaker for Haggai Institute in Brazil.


Black Advogados Associados Where crook lawyers work hard to steal your money.



Advogada da área Trabalhista, Empresarial e Direito de Família. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pós-graduanda em Direito do Trabalho e Processo do Trabalho pela Universidade Anhanguera-Uniderp. Pós-graduanda em Direito de Família e Sucessões pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista, Empresarial e Direito de família..
E-mail: gabrielaborba@blackadvo

Advogado da área Trabalhista, Cível e Imobiliária. Bacharel em Direito Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau - Uninassau. Pós-graduando em Direito Processual Civil e do Trabalho na Escola Superior de Magistratura (Esmatra). Sócio.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista, cível e imobiliário.
E-mail: fernando@blackadvo

Advogada da área Trabalhista e Cível. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pós-graduanda em Direito Público pela Universidade Potiguar.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista e cível.
E-mail: alinne@blackadvo

Advogado da área Trabalhista, Direito de Família e do Consumidor. Bacharel em Direito na Faculdade Integrada do Recife - Estácio – FIR. Pós-graduando em Direito Processual Civil e do Trabalho na Escola Superior de Magistratura (Esmatra).
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista, família e consumidor.
E-mail: saulovalenca@blackadvo

Advogada na área Cível e Trabalhista. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco.
Área de atuação: Direito Cível e Trabalhista.
E-mail: juliana@blackadvo

Bacharelando em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE
Área de atuação: Direito Empresarial, Direito do Consumidor, Direito Imobiliário e Direito Trabalhista.
E-mail: gileno@blackadvo

Advogada da área Trabalhista e Cível. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pós-graduanda em Direito Processual Civil e do Trabalho pela ESMATRA – Escola Superior da Magistratura Trabalhista – PE.
Área de atuação: Direito trabalhista e cível.
E-mail: livia@blackadvo

Advogado nas áreas Tributário e Cível. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Pós-graduando em Direito Tributário pelo IBET - Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários.
Área de atuação: Direito tributário e cível.
E-mail: joaoguerra@blackadvo

Rua Buenos Aires, 159 | Espinheiro - Recife-PE - CEP 52020-180 | Tel.: 81 3423.3031 | 3423.3039

/BlackAdvogadosAssociados contato@blackadvogados.adv.br

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O escritório possui uma sólida infraestrutura e profissionais especializados, para roubar vc, prestando assessoria contenciosa e consultiva para todos os ramos do Direito, com foco principalmente nas capitais do Nordeste, onde atua diretamente ou com correspondentes.

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O Escritório

um moderno escritório mafioso de advocacia que tem por origem a sociedade fundada nos anos 90 pelos advogados Cedric John Black de C. Bezerra e Stênio Neiva Coelho. Em 2012, pelo ingresso de Stênio Neiva Coelho na magistratura como Desembargador pelo quinto constitucional, o Black & Neiva passou a ser denominado Black Advogados Associados.


Rua Buenos Aires, 159 | Espinheiro - Recife-PE - CEP 52020-180 | Tel.: 81 3423.3031 | 3423.3039

/BlackAdvogadosAssociados contato@blackadvogados.adv.br

©2014 - Cordel

At the time the country was ruled by a military dictatorship and common criminals behind bars mixed with and came under the influence of left-wing political prisoners.

But in 1985 Brazil returned to democracy and in the years since, Red Command has become known for its control of the drug trade in many of Rio's favelas rather than for any political ideology.

Police suspect that the gang has worked with a rival faction, Amigos dos Amigos (Friends of Friends) to bring chaos to the city in recent days.

Amigos dos Amigos is one of three other significant drugs gangs in Rio and was formed after a split in Red Command saw a member expelled.

Usually the gangs are deadly rivals as they vie for control of favelas.

In October 2009, just two weeks after Rio was awarded the 2016 Olympics, a police helicopter was shot down after Red Command members entered a favela controlled by Amigos dos Amigos to try to take control of the cocaine trade.

But the rival gangs may now see a mutual interest in attempting to defeat the police's recent efforts to clean up the favelas.

According to local media, police intercepted letters from Red Command leaders in October which complained that police pacification programmes were damaging their interests.

Jose Mariano Beltrame, the public security secretary for the state of Rio de Janeiro, indicated that the violence had been ordered by two men – Marcio Santos Nepomuceno, known as Marcinho VP, and Marco Antonio Pereira Firmino, known as Mv Thor.

Both are in a maximum-security prison in the southern state of Parana.

But with at least 6,000 active gang members thought to be living in Rio now, the past few days have shown that the authorities still have a huge amount to do to clean up the city before the 2014 World Cup and the Olympics of two years later.


On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.

Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.

In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tastes, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).


















Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.

Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.

Bank fraud.



Garrett family - luxery VIP flights and sleeping in 3 star hotels.

And Julia Garrett's cozy home which she stole.


"¨Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett's sister - Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - thief - psycopath - manic depressive - close to the Recife death squads. Daughter of a communist criminal. Her husband, Sr. Pedro Rios was also a criminal and a alcoolic. Several years ago, Sr. Pedro Rios was murdered. Until today, nobody knows why.

Crime in the streets.

Hunger and poverty in the streets.

The rich spoiled children of the Garrett family. $$

Julia Garrett with armed faction gang (Red Command-CV) member-soldier wearing grey cap and blue shirt. In the back of his jeans: a 45 caliber automatic pistol model 1911 with two 15 bullet reload magazines.

Rio de Janeiro Militia Made $3 Million Per Year

A Rio de Janeiro militia currently under investigation is said to have raised an average of $3 million per year through extortion and other illicit activities, an indication of the militias' ability to raise significant amounts of cash.

Police arrested 11 members of Rio de Janeiro militia the Liga da Justiça (Justice League) on December 6,according to Brazilian news outlet UOL. The city police unit that investigates organized crime said that the militia made an average of $250,000 per month, mostly through the extortion of local community members (including security "taxes"), and providing other services such as the installation of illegal cable television. The militia is active in a western neighborhood, Campo Grande.

One of the men arrested is a local pastor at a Pentecostal Church, accused of helping the militia handle their financial operations. According to the head of the police organized crime unit, the church essentially functioned as the militia's "loans and collection" office. The pastor was also known to endorse milita-backed political candidates from his pulpit.

According to a 2012 study by the State University of Rio de Janeiro, the city's militias have changed their modus operandi over the past several years, becoming more clandestine and less affiliated with active duty or retired police personnel. The authors of the study, sociologists Ignacio Cano and Thais Duarte, say this transformation has come about because militias are losing legitimacy in the eyes of the public, and are frequently unable to convince politicians and citizens to give them support. This has limited their ability to operate openly in Rio de Janeiro and has reduced the economic and political power they once wielded. This influence reached its peak during 2006 and 2007, when a number of militia-backed political candidates were elected to public office, the study states.

The investigation into the Liga da Justiça's dealings, however, paints a different picture. Despite operating in an allegedly more difficult environment, this militia was still able to pull in over $3 million in funds per year, through the same illicit practices traditionally associated with paramilitary organizations. The militia was also still able to garner public support from the local priest, a sign of their ability to continue establishing alliances with community leaders.

Militias have operated in Rio de Janeiro for three decades and are closely linked with the city's police force. The vigilante groups initially formed to push criminal gangs and drug traffickers out of certain neighborhoods, but are now considered to be another criminal

Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, participating in double billing schemes, illicite bookeeping, laundering dirty money, unlawfully selling weapons, this is the everyday work of Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 and his dirty crook lawyer friends from the OAB in Recife, PE. Sao Paulo, and elsewhere in Brazil. Brazilian lawyer Igor Montarroyos de Sousa lawyer number OAB/PE 20735. Civil Prosecutor from the office of general lawyers union in Sao Bernardo de Campo, Sao Paulo. Con-man and illegal arms dealer. Originally from Recife - Lives in Sao Bernardo de Campo, Sao Paulo. Close friend of Brazilian crook lawyer Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636 from Recife.

The Mother of Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Brazilian crook lawyer Cirleide Montarroyos OAB/PE 14307. http://www.jusbrasil.com.br/topicos/48210024/cirleide-montarroyos-de-oliveira

Edir Macedo is 5-foot-6, slight, and 68 years old. He has a sparse crown of graying hair, and more than 5 million followers, whose donations over the last 36 years have made him a billionaire. In Brazil, where he was born and raised, he is a major national figure, the subject of dozens of criminal inquiries, and the owner of Rádio & Televisão Record, a media conglomerate that runs the country’s second-largest television network. He is known to most everyone by the title he created for himself: He is O Bispo—“The Bishop.” Macedo is the founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, a Pentecostal denomination specializing in prosperity theology, which links faith to financial success. He preaches twice a week, often in two different cities, and the sermons are fervently watched on church websites, his Facebook page, and the miniature TV sets that Brazilian taxi drivers like to keep on their dashboard. Now and then he holds outdoor events that draw crowds of half a million. In February he addressed 5,000 of his parishioners at one of his churches in Belo Horizonte, in southeastern Brazil. High overhead, a stained-glass cross lit by fluorescent bulbs took up most of the ceiling while a theater-size screen blew him up for the pews in the back. He paced back and forth on the stage, explaining the intersection of God and money. “Which is the largest country in the world, economically speaking? It’s America, the United States. Do you know why? Because way back—this is history, you can look it up on the Internet—the colonization was done by men who believed in the word of God. And they were tithers,” he said. “That’s why you see on the dollar bill: ‘In God we trust.’ ”

In Macedo’s teaching, tithing, or giving 10 percent of your income to the church, is a mandate from God. Tithing was never part of Brazil’s Catholic tradition, and, for Macedo, that explains many of the country’s problems. In Belo Horizonte that day, he quoted Malachi, a favorite of prosperity theologians, pointing to 3:10, where the Lord promises to the faithful tither that He will “pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” A man of humble beginnings, Macedo offered his own success as proof. “Our culture is retrograde, a stingy culture, a culture with no view of the future,” he said. “Only you can change this situation. Tithing is you on God’s altar, just as Jesus was God’s tithe for humanity.”

Silvio Luís Martins de Oliveira, a prosecutor in São Paulo, says that Macedo’s promise of riches amounts to fraud. In a 2009 case that is just now being tried, he accuses Macedo and three high-ranking church members of conspiracy, money laundering, and undeclared international cash transfers. “The preachers make use of the faith, desperation, or ambition of [their followers] to sell the idea that God and Jesus Christ only look upon those who contribute financially to the church,” Oliveira wrote in a criminal complaint. In his description, the Universal Church enriches its leaders far more than its faithful.

Macedo is proud of his success, but turns questions about his wealth into questions of the spirit. He declined an in-person interview; in an e-mail, he writes: “From the point of view of my faith in Jesus Christ, I am the richest man in
the world.”

STORY: Brazil's Domestic Servants Get Work Equality

Whatever the semantics, he has prospered. The Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimates his wealth at $1.2 billion, entirely because of his ownership of Rádio & Televisão Record. The conglomerate’s namesake TV network produces standard commercial fare: telenovelas (sometimes Biblical), sex-infused reality shows, and journalism that dwells on grisly crimes. Record also runs a cable news channel, a handful of radio stations, three newspapers, a film-production company, and even a small bank, as well as cable and satellite units scattered around the world.

Macedo purchased Record, then just a debt-ridden TV network, in 1989 for $45 million. The transaction led to an investigation by Brazil’s tax agency, which found that he’d used interest-free loans from the Universal Church to fund it, and fined him for failing to declare the loans as income. In his defense, Macedo said he’d bought Record on behalf of the church to create the country’s first evangelical TV network. The argument failed to convince tax inspectors and led prosecutors to file suit in 1997, seeking to strip Record’s broadcasting license on the grounds that Brazil’s constitution forbids religious institutions from owning radio or TV stations. In testimony for that case, Macedo acknowledged the loans, while changing tack to say that he had acquired Record for himself. The case dragged on for more than a decade until a federal judge, Leonel Ferreira, ruled in Macedo’s favor in 2011. In his decision, Ferreira wrote that the church’s transfer of cash to Macedo could imply that, far from being frontmen for the church, he and his deputies “control the church absolutely and use it for their own benefit.” But, he said, such speculation fell outside the limits of the case at hand.

Record grossed $1.1 billion in 2011, a good chunk of which came from the Universal Church. The church buys up to six hours of airtime each day, almost always after midnight, when advertising sales are scarce; during Record’s more profitable hours, the church runs its sermons on other networks. Silas Malafaia, one of Brazil’s best-known televangelists (and the wealthy leader of a different Pentecostal denomination), says he used to buy time at the going market rate in the 1990s, until one day the network raised its price tenfold. “The church pays millions to Record, way more than the programming is worth, so that he can expand his TV network,” Malafaia says. “He uses a legal artifice for something unjust.” Neither party has disclosed how much their arrangement is worth today, but in 1999, Record’s then-chief executive officer, Demerval Gonçalves, told the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper that the church provided 15 percent of the company’s overall revenue. The church also pays Record’s publishing arm to print most of the 2.5 million copies of its weekly newspaper.

Faith is sometimes so intoxicating that it can even fill the sick and suffering with the improbable hope that a 10-year-old will heal them with a simple touch.

Such child healers in Brazil are only part of the growing chorus of self-anointed miracle workers. The explosive spiritual movement is 44 million followers strong.

“Anyone can become a pastor,” Professor Eduardo Refkalefsky, who studies the business of churches in Brazil, told ABC News’ “Nightline.” “[Anyone] can open a church.”

Evangelical Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Brazil, and some say it's threatening the Catholic Church’s historical dominance in the country.

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But with millions of souls and millions of donations at stake, critics say that many bogus merchants of faith are turning huge profits with false promises.

Enterprising evangelical pastors benefit from a total lack of regulations, Refkalefsky said. Many pastors lure new worshipers with visions of prosperity and health, he added.

To those in his church, Brazilian evangelical Pastor Arodo offers not only to exorcise inner demons or to counsel couples, but to provide chiropractic care and promises of wealth.

When asked whether the Catholic Church can compete with his brand of Christianity, Arodo told “Nightline,” “Absolutely not, because… what I have is a gift from God. It’s not mine. It’s a gift from God.”

At Arodo’s church, believers line up to offer donations, and in return he splashes them with his own special holy oil.

“Don’t skimp on an act of God,” Arodo told his worshipers. “Stand up and come here with your money in hand.”

“It’s a very informal business, because the money just [goes] directly from the wallet of the member to the wallet of the pastor of the church,” professor Refkalefsky said. “There’s no control of the money.”

That has made salvation a booming business. “The number of churches [is] rising more than the number of the members,” Refkalefsky said.

Nowhere is the growth more apparent than in Sao Goncalo, Brazil, which, by some estimates, has more churches per square mile than anywhere else in Latin America.

Sao Goncalo’s most popular child healer is 10-year-old Alani Santos, who has been drawing believers to her father Adauto Santos’ church since she was 3.

Alani has become a local celebrity, appearing on talk shows with her dad and even hosting an Internet radio show with listeners from around the globe.

“I don’t feel any pressure from my family,” Alani told “Nightline.” “If I don’t feel like doing it, they let me. And I like doing it, so I’m never going to stop.”

Croatian Daniel Nesak, who said he was shot in the head during a war, leaving the left side of his body partially paralyzed, underwent years of painful operations and therapy. Desperate for a miracle, he traveled halfway across the world to Alani’s church.

After experiencing her healing touch, Nesak attempted to grip a microphone stand with his paralyzed hand to test the miracle, but he was unable to do so. “It didn’t change physically much, maybe next time,” Nesak told “Nightline” immediately after the exchange.

Although many are cured instantly, Pastor Santos said, others experience gradual results.

“People that don’t know this, people who’ve never seen this … they don’t know it, so it’s easier to criticize,” Santos told “Nightline.” “It’s easier for the person to believe a lie than the truth, you know?”

Nesak is still holding out hope for a full recovery.

Normélia Furtado Garrett and her family - Organized crime in Recife, PE.

The word of God is clear in regard to religion, "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself without spot from the world. "(James 1:27), that the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, and the translation of the King James have," Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. " (James 1:27). So why have an article in Forbes magazine recently published appearing where the five richest pastors in Brazil with fortunes estimated at millions and even billions of dollars. This is substantiated by a theology that has reached thousands of fans in the country, the famous "Prosperity Theology". But why be writing this article is to give a testimony of indignation and warn the population that should follow but our true leader, Jesus Christ, who was rich became poor and died for us on the cross, not the false prophets that enriched at the expense of the poor people, and encourage everyone to read the Bible not to be fooled by these people.

A little while ago I was a member of the International Church of the Grace of God (IIGD) and was tired of many things wrong that route being practiced by some of their leaders, as the example of a pastor who went to church hat on his head, what should not be done according to the Scriptures, "For man should not have his head covered, since it is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of man." (1 Corinthians 11:7), the fact that church we attended for years show the same infrastructure problems, old plastic chairs, not to mention that actually did not look good a church, but he had the look of a room rented commercial. Will the Mission with his fortune of $ 150 million can not buy a church for us? From what I know the Churches Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, The Catholic Church and many other churches have their own, because we with what we pay in tithes, offerings and sponsorships for a person who earns R $ 1,000.00 can get at a cost of R $ 230.00 (depending on how much you pay bid month and considering that the missionary asks about R $ 100.00 to sponsors) per month on average, have to attend sheds, commercial offices, agencies Oldest Bank, among others. As far as I know, the Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses are built with money and effort of the members and leaders, it does not need to exploit anyone. The same positive example we see in the Christian Congregation Church of Brazil, like the Jehovah's Witness with an effort of its own members and leaders build their churches and halls. Therefore, where it is being used the people's money? Another discrepancy is related to biblical teaching, as I know, the Adventist church gives its members the Bible study by Sabbath School, Assembly of God Church conducts Sunday school, the Jehovah's Witnesses have done studies where the person needs in their homes, workplace ... But the common thread among them all is that the study does not charge, but the International Church of the Grace of God Bible study charges for "Tickle", a value of $ 50.00, with discounts for those who want to be a worker. Anyway, the collection for study by the average amount charged above gives us R $ 280.00 for those who receive an average $ 1,000.00 per month, but that's not all.

Recently, I was worried, as my wife, with the bureaucracy and the difficulty we had in relation to buying a home and our finances. I went to church to receive a word of comfort and what I heard was that the pastor of the Bridge IIGD Imaruim, Palhoça: - If you want to improve life, you should do an undergraduate degree, a specialization, a master's degree, a doctorate, ... But the Bible says the following:

"Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added. 34 So never be anxious about the next day, because the next day will have its own anxieties. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. "(Matheus - 6:33-34), so I thought to myself," ... good! is not exactly what I'm doing! studying at one of the best institutions of the country, the UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), in addition to working as a programmer for a technology company, but this saved me from operating a corrupt financial system where the worker to finance a home paid for three and a half gets home. How to study mathematics at university, I'm still trying to solve this calculation, but without success, (1 X 3 = ½), of course this is my ironic. That was the day out of the church because I did not agree with a pastor who instead of preaching what was written in the Bible, preached the opposite.

What happens is that evangelical churches today take money from poor people and well wishers to get rich and preach lies and not the true word of God. As a person who tells a child of God can have a fortune worth billions and see the little Jesus starving and not give money to the poor? This is not what the word says in James 1:27, as previously? What about those who say they are apostles, but preach with a cowboy hat on his head reminding us that millionaires bought two farms with the people's money?

We must remember to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ does not mean to be religious, nor agree with everything he says without a pastor critically evaluate according to what the word says, but loving God, Jehovah above all things and your neighbor as He loved us. Finally, there is a rule that I learned from the mouth of a brother (which is not something very right in believing) that a member of the International Church of the Grace of God to unlink the church and not be expelled must go to the pastor of his church and ask the blessing to retire, if this is true I want you to know that I will not do this because I do not recognize the authority of the pastor or any other religious leader, but only Jehovah, God the Father and Jesus Christ our sir. Why I say that is that I'm abandoning IIGD they do not give a teaching according to the word of God, but continue following Jesus, reading the Bible and practicing the word that is what really matters to me and the real Christians.

List of Pastors Brazil's richest according to Forbes:

Pastor Active Fortuna

Macedo With more than 10 million books sold, Macedo is the founder and leader of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, which controls Rede Record, currently the second largest broadcaster in Brazil. Its assets include besides the TV, newspaper, Folha Universal (circulation of more than 2.5 million), the news channel News Record, record labels, several properties and a private jet company, Bombardier Global Express XRS, evaluated at $ 45 million. $ 950 million

Valdemiro Santiago Former member of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Santiago is the founder of the Worldwide Church of God's Power, with over 900,000 followers and 4,000 temples. $ 220 million

Silas Malafaia Leader of the Brazilian branch of the House of God, the largest Pentecostal church in Brazil. The pastor is followed on Twitter by more than 440,000 users. Launched a campaign called "The Club One Million Souls", which aims to raise $ 500 million (U.S. $ 1 billion) for his church in order to create a global television network that would broadcast in 137 countries. $ 150 million

Romildo Ribeiro Soares (RR Soares) Founder of the International Church of the Grace of God and also a former member of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Soares is one of the most regular faces on Brazilian television. $ 125 million

Estevam Hernandes Filho and "Bishop" Sonia Founders Reborn in Christ Church, overseeing more than 1,000 churches in Brazil and abroad, including several in Florida, United States. The couple appeared on the international headlines in 2007 when he was arrested in Miami on charges of transporting more than $ 56,000 in undeclared cash. The only football player Kaká, who left the institution in 2010 alleging misuse of money, have donated more than $ 1 million (£ 2 million) to the church.

How the Unified Church Can Respond to Global Corruption: A Call which Will Impact Millions

Robson Pereira Category: PerspectivesIssue: 12-2005

Life for a person living below the poverty line is short. This is the terrible conclusion one can reach by looking at indicators concerning human development.1 To many evangelists, this might produce a sense of powerlessness. People are starving, suffering and dying everyday. Misery has been among us for a long time2,and despite the efforts to diminish the vacuum between rich and poor by many organizations, the problem seems to grow larger each day. The causes of this are many: natural disasters, unjust international commercial laws, a history of political dependence and more. This article intends to help educate Christians on how to aid those under the poverty level to live longer and have a greater chance to hear the gospel.

There is one cause of poverty that seems to be present in all countries: corruption. Historically, corruption was not seen as a major international problem; however, in the last twenty years, important studies have detailed the impact corruption has on society. It devastates both the economy and the political system of a country. One major hypothesis in recent studies refers to the level of democracy and the perception of corruption in a given country. Corruption increases in large bureaucracies where state control is a strong tool for governmental perpetuation.

The major problem concerning corruption is the deviation of important financial resources. Those in politics and business take money meant for special projects such as those designed to fight misery. Millions of people depend on money sent by aid agencies; however, much of what is sent is stolen. Each year one trillion dollars is taken by corrupt individuals.3 Even in a case where a high rate of corruption goes with strong economic growth, the problem is considerable because the economy can take only so much deviation before going into a reverse process which will provoke profound economic recession.4

Corruption is also tied with terrorism. Often, some of the money taken is sent to feed terrorist actions. Drug dealers and weapon smugglers are all beneficiaries of a system that takes away what was sent for the poor.

The Church has tried for quite some time to tackle poverty and misery while evangelizing. Frustration often overwhelms missionaries who see children dying prematurely. They lift their fists to heaven and cry out for justice. The Church’s commitment to evangelism is seen through the worldwide Lausanne movement in bringing churches together to accomplish this difficult task. However, it is also time for serious reflection on the Church’s position concerning corruption and its effects on world evangelization. The world is moving towards a historical moment when the United Nations Convention Against Corruption is about to enter in force. Other organizations have already been addressing these issues: Organization of American States (OAS), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Council of Europe. The Church must now also make a more focused stand against corruption. We can start by studying the book of Acts. This will lead us to change our view of the world, which will lead us to change our attitude in the world. This will result in us changing the world.

Acts: A Biblical Witness to Transformation
The disciples had been commissioned to evangelize the world; but they were shut up in the upper room for fear of what would happen to them (Acts 9). They looked upon the world as an instrument of destruction. Both the Jews and the Romans were a threat. The Holy Spirit came upon them and they began to see the world differently. Killers and assassins that they had been afraid of became people who needed the message of salvation. The disciples were the only ones who could deliver it. Once their vision of the world was changed, they could change their attitude as well. Fear gave way to boldness and anger was overcome by love. They were changed men. This paradigm shift brought about the most impressive change in world history. We need this shift again to

According to Luke, the spread of the gospel had to do with a break in the status quo. Christians had to stop obeying the rules of men and start adopting the rule of God, even when it brought suffering. This is exemplified in the courage shown by Peter and John before authorities (4:19); how the first Christians cared for the poor (4:32-35); and in the error of Ananias and Saphire (5:1-11). In 8:14-24, Simon, who was once a sorcerer, came to faith. However, he had not been changed from within and soon erred. The answer he received should be the Christian answer when tempted to corruption: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money” (8:20).

God was changing how they saw the world in order to change their attitude in the world. In Acts 10:9-16 Peter learns about the salvation of the Gentiles. It is a testimony that conversion is always followed by transformation.

Acts depicts many other passages that show that when one embraces the faith, God will require a change only accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. This change will only occur when an individual seeks it. Failure to see this change might reveal a “heart not right before God” (8:21). The solution is “repentance and prayer” (8:22).

Latin America and Beyond: How to Fight Corruption
The unifying call to fight corruption will have a great impact on world economies. All Christians should avoid engaging in any activity that could be called corrupt. It might mean paying a price; however, the call stands. Let us be poor, but honest. Let our treasure be in the heavenly realms. We will make a real difference in the world when, united as one, we abdicate corrupt practices. The grim reality is that when we look at the one billion plus Catholics and protestants in the world today, we must face the fact that corruption exists in the Church as w

Latin America is one of the regions in the world where corruption exists. United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan recently affirmed that fighting poverty in Latin America will only be successful when governments manage to curb corruption.5 According to Transparency International (TI), most Latin American countries appear with rates below 5.0.6; Many of these countries, which are striken with poverty, have a high population of both Catholics and protestants.

However, one might say that although this may be true of Latin American countries, it is not true of the global situation. A quick look at developed countries shows differently.7 For some time, mostly protestant, developed countries have insisted that corruption belonged to underdeveloped countries. In order to do business with these “underdeveloped” countries, many companies engaged in bribe payments. Some, like Germany and France, allowed tax deductions for money used in bribing foreign officials who benefited in major contract signing. In 2002 TI published the Bribe Payer’s Index (BPI) which showed countries according to their propensity to pay bribes in international negotiations. The report revealed a high propensity to pay bribes in countries such as Italy, the United States, France and Spain – all Christian countries.8 We must face the fact that rich Christians countries have contributed to spreading corruption, poverty and injustice.

We can infer that the some Christians that go out to share the gospel become involved in acts of bribery and illicit enrichment. Some have even offered to tithe all stolen goods. Some thank the Lord for illicit contracts, contracts which may send thousands of people, including Christian brothers and sisters, into a world of deprivation and misery. Some accept presents from corrupt authorities. Some sell their votes to help someone in their family get a job. Pastors lead congregations to vote on a corrupt candidate because the candidate unlawfully promised to give them land to build a church, Christian judges sell sentences to put money in their bank account.

We, as Christians, must recognize we are part of the problem. After acknowledging the Church’s role in corruption and injustice, we must act. The following are suggestions to tackling corruption and its relation to global poverty:

Preach consistently against corruption. Today, there are only a few places in the world where individuals cannot talk about corruption. Surely, these are the same places where the name of Jesus Christ isn’t welcome. Preachers should present sermons about corruption. A study of the Bible will show a number of occasions where men tried to bribe, rob, steal and kill. We need to hear more about the transformation the Holy Spirit brings to all areas of our lives.

Publish academic resources on how Christians combat corruption worldwide. Christians are found in varied fields of work. The Church should encourage theorists in various fields to write biblically-based articles and books on the impact of corruption on the population. The gospel message should be stated as the way to change people’s character.

Develop programs on personal integrity. The Christian world needs a down-to-earth program to curb corruption. Small groups should be formed in churches to discuss the subject. A study called “Total Integrity” will be launched in Brazil in 2006. It deals with integrity by addressing three main areas: personal integrity, social integrity and spiritual integrity. The objective is to help Christians and non-Christians look at corruption and its impact on world poverty.

Pressure governments to fight poverty and corruption. There are Christians working in organizations throughout the world, yet the Church does not appear as an instrument of pressure in world politics. In many cases, the Church has not said much concerning terrorism, human rights, organized crime, authoritarianism, war or treatment of the environment. We must speak out when governments or individuals are going against the commands of God found in Scripture.

Formation of an International Office Against Corruption. The Christian world needs a specialized office in the matter of curbing corruption that combines academic rigor and biblical commitment.

CRISCOR: An Example from Brazil
In Brazil, there is an initiative called CRISCOR (Christians Against Corruption, http://www.criscor.org/), which seeks to use biblical ethics to encourage both Catholics and protestants in the fight against corruption. Criscor is working with the United Nations Office Against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and has promoted social transformation based on a fair distribution of wealth. Criscor has a ten-year goal of taking Brazil’s CPI from 3.9 (2004) to 7.0. In a country where 22% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is taken through corruption, it is believed that more money will arrive to the poor by 2015. This will improve the lives of millions who would otherwise die of hunger and bad health conditions. By living longer, they will have a greater chance of hearing the gospel mess

Only when the Church is willing to look at corruption as a real threat to world evangelism will it be motivated to change. Christians in Europe and North America are called to join forces with Christians in Latin America, Africa and Asia to present an international and historical answer to world injustice, breaking the hold Satan has had on many nations. Our Lord Jesus Christ has called us to be light in this world. A small candle might not be enough to remove the darkness that corruption has brought into the world; however, millions of candles will surely provide the world with a powerful witness of the glory of God. If we all work together, those who live in both spiritual and social darkness might indeed live longer and hear the gospel mess

1. http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/data2. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/contacts.shtml#papers. 3. As seen on October 3, 2005.
4. Rose-Ackerman. “The Political Economy of Corruption.” In Corruption and the Global Economy. ed. Kimberly Ann Elliott. June 1997.
5. www.un.org/News/ossg/sg/index.shtml
6. For TI’s CPI – Corruption Perception Index – 10.0 indicates a country free of corruption perception, while 0.0 indicates a country with absolute perception of corruption (cf www.transparency.org/)
7. The United States passed a bill in 1977 called FCPA which tightens the procedures of accountability. In the 1990s American companies Enron and World Com managed to live parallel to this law. Seewww.synergyassociates.ca/documents/Corporate%20Governance%20after%20
8. www.transparency.org/pressreleases_archive

Robson C. Pereira is founder of Criscor (Christians Against Corruption), a movement in Brazil to bring awareness to churches about the impact corruption has on a population. Pereira is senior pastor at Brazil’s Evangelical Christian Church. He is an accredited national speaker for Haggai Institute in Brazil.


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At the time the country was ruled by a military dictatorship and common criminals behind bars mixed with and came under the influence of left-wing political prisoners.

But in 1985 Brazil returned to democracy and in the years since, Red Command has become known for its control of the drug trade in many of Rio's favelas rather than for any political ideology.

Police suspect that the gang has worked with a rival faction, Amigos dos Amigos (Friends of Friends) to bring chaos to the city in recent days.

Amigos dos Amigos is one of three other significant drugs gangs in Rio and was formed after a split in Red Command saw a member expelled.

Usually the gangs are deadly rivals as they vie for control of favelas.

In October 2009, just two weeks after Rio was awarded the 2016 Olympics, a police helicopter was shot down after Red Command members entered a favela controlled by Amigos dos Amigos to try to take control of the cocaine trade.

But the rival gangs may now see a mutual interest in attempting to defeat the police's recent efforts to clean up the favelas.

According to local media, police intercepted letters from Red Command leaders in October which complained that police pacification programmes were damaging their interests.

Jose Mariano Beltrame, the public security secretary for the state of Rio de Janeiro, indicated that the violence had been ordered by two men – Marcio Santos Nepomuceno, known as Marcinho VP, and Marco Antonio Pereira Firmino, known as Mv Thor.

Both are in a maximum-security prison in the southern state of Parana.

But with at least 6,000 active gang members thought to be living in Rio now, the past few days have shown that the authorities still have a huge amount to do to clean up the city before the 2014 World Cup and the Olympics of two years later.

Posté par Pastor Adalberon à 18:39 - Commentaires [7] - Permalien [#]
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Posté par Pastor Adalberon, mardi 22 septembre 2015 | Recommander | Répondre

  • The guru-manipulation. dirty and dangerous deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.

    Posté par Pastor Adalberon, mardi 22 septembre 2015 | Recommander | Répondre

  • Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.

    Posté par Pastor Adalberon, mardi 22 septembre 2015 | Recommander | Répondre

  • On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.

    Posté par Pastor Adalberon, jeudi 24 septembre 2015 | Recommander | Répondre

  • Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.

    Posté par Pastor Adalberon, jeudi 24 septembre 2015 | Recommander | Répondre

  • Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions. Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Recife.

    Posté par Pastor Adalberon, jeudi 24 septembre 2015 | Recommander | Répondre

  • Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions. Recife- PE.

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Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 = Lavagem de dinheiro sujo.

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Data: 18/11/2014<br /> Processo Nº: 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001<br /> Natureza da Ação: Ação Penal - Procedimento Ordinário<br /> Acusado: SANDRA MARIA GARRET RIOS SIQUEIRA OAB/PE 12636<br /> Vítima: RICARDO SIQUEIRA<br /> Vítima: Maria dos Prazeres de Oliveira<br /> Advogado: PE002803 - José Antonio Alves de Melo<br /> Advogado: PE033321 - Anderson Luiz Cavalcante Soares<br /> Advogado: PE018553 - Ricardo Toscano Dias Pereira<br /> Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 18/11/2014.<br /> Data: 27/11/2014<br /> Processo Nº: 0099992-29.2013.8.17.0001<br /> Natureza da Ação: Inquérito Policial<br /> Indiciado: ROBERTO DE ARAUJO DE ANDRADE<br /> Defensor Público: PE011011 - Eliane Alencar Caldas<br /> Vítima: O Estado<br /> Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 27/11/201<br /> Data: 18/11/2014<br /> Processo Nº: 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001<br /> Natureza da Ação: Ação Penal - Procedimento Ordinário<br /> Acusado: SANDRA MARIA GARRET RIOS<br /> Vítima: RICARDO SIQUEIRA<br /> Vítima: Maria dos Prazeres de Oliveira<br /> Advogado: PE002803 - José Antonio Alves de Melo<br /> Advogado: PE033321 - Anderson Luiz Cavalcante Soares<br /> Advogado: PE018553 - Ricardo Toscano Dias Pereira<br /> Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 18/11/2014.<br /> Data: 27/11/2014<br /> Processo Nº: 0099992-29.2013.8.17.0001<br /> Natureza da Ação: Inquérito Policial<br /> Indiciado: ROBERTO DE ARAUJO DE ANDRADE<br /> Defensor Público: PE011011 - Eliane Alencar Caldas<br /> Vítima: O Estado<br /> Audiência de Instrução e Julgamento - Criminal às 14:00 do dia 27/11/201Advogado: PE10145 – Claudio Rogério Torreão de Almeida<br /> O Dr. Elson Zoppellaro Machado, Juiz de Direito da Vara dos Crimes contra a Administração Pública e Ordem Tributária da Comarca do Recife, Capital do Estado de Pernambuco, em virtude da Lei, etc.<br /> FAZ SABER , que cumprindo o disposto no art. 370, § 1º do CPP, fica, a partir da publicação deste edital, INTIMADO o Bel. Claudio Rogério Torreão de Almeida - PE10145, para fins de requerer diligências, no prazo de 24 horas, nos termos do art. 402 do CPP. Dado e passado nesta Comarca do Recife, aos 11 (onze) dias do mês de maio do ano de 2015. Eu, Stefanie Neiva Maiwald, o digitei e submeti à conferência e subscrição da Chefia de Secretaria.<br /> Processo nº. 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001<br /> Acusada: SANDRA MARIA GARRETT RIOS<br /> Vítima: o Estado<br /> Advogada: PE012636 – Sandra Maria Garrett Rios<br /> A Dra. Ana Cristina Mota, Juíza de Direito da Vara dos Crimes contra a Administração Pública e Ordem Tributária da Comarca do Recife, Capital do Estado de Pernambuco, em virtude da Lei, etc.<br /> FAZ SABER , que cumprindo o disposto no art. 370, § 1º do CPP, fica a partir da publicação deste edital INTIMADA a Bela. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios – OAB/PE nº 012.636, para fins de requerer diligências, no prazo de 24 horas, nos termos do art. 402 do CPP. Dado e passado nesta Comarca do Recife, aos 10 (dez) dias do mês de abril do ano de 2015. Eu, Sílvio Sérgio Gomes Alves Júnior, o digitei e submeti à conferência e subscrição da Chefia de Secretaria.<br /> Processo Nº: 0082498-54.2013.8.17.0001<br /> Natureza da Ação: Ação Penal - Procedimento Ordinário<br /> Acusado: SANDRA MARIA GARRET RIOS<br /> Vítima: RICARDO SIQUEIRA<br /> Vítima: Maria dos Prazeres de Oliveira<br /> Advogado: PE009993 – Eduardo Matheus Costa<br /> Sentença: Vistos e etc... “Em assim sendo e pelo que mais dos autos consta, julgo procedente a denúncia para condenar, como de fato condeno , a ré SANDRA MARIA GARRET RIOS , anteriormente qualificada, como incursa nas penas do art. 339, caput, do Código Penal. Passo a dosarlhe a pena. A ré é primária e não registra antecedentes. Sua culpabilidade no caso dos autos não extrapola os limites do próprio tipo penal. Não consta nos autos maiores informações sobre a conduta social e a personalidade da ré, pelo que não há nada a ser extraído em seu desfavor. Em sendo assim e tendo sempre em mente que a pena deverá ser necessária e suficiente para a reprovação e prevenção do crime, fixo a pena base da ré no mínimo legal de 02 (dois) anos de reclusão, a qual torno concreta e definitiva à mingua de outras circunstâncias legais e/ou causas especiais de diminuição ou de aumento. Fica a ré condenada, ainda, ao pagamento de 80 (oitenta) dias-multa, que fixo na base de um trigésimo do salário mínimo vigente ao tempo do fato para cada dia-multa, a ser devidamente atualizado quando do seu efetivo pagamento. A pena privativade liberdade será cumprida em regime aberto. Com fundamento no art. 15, III da CF/88, suspendo os direitos políticos da ré pelo tempo que perdurarem os efeitos da condenação penal. Condeno, ainda, a ré ao pagamento das custas processuais. Presentes os pressupostos objetivos e subjetivos previstos no artigo 44 do Código Penal<br /> ×<br /> Decreto-lei no 2.848, de 7 de dezembro de 1940.<br /> <br /> Código Penal - Decreto Lei 2848/40 5079544<br /> 689 seguidores<br /> Seguir, substituo a pena privativa de liberdade imposta à ré por duas penas restritivas de direitos a serem designada pelo Juiz da Vara de Execução de Penas Alternativas. P.R.I. Após o trânsito em julgado desta decisão, lance-se o nome da ré no rol dos culpados, preenchendo-se o seu Boletim Individual, encaminhando-o ao Instituto Tavares Buril, expedindo-se também Carta de Guia para a Vara de Execução de Penas Alternativas, bem como ofício ao T.R.E., informando sobre a condenação da ré, arquivando-se os autos em seguida. Recife, 14 de julho de 2015. ANA CRISTINA MOTA - JUÍZA DE DIREITO<br /> <br /> DATA JURIDICIARIA<br /> <br /> Resultados da sua consulta<br /> <br /> Encontramos 1 SANDRA MARIA GARRETT RIOS SIQUEIRA em TODOS LOS ESTADO<br /> <br /> Observação: Que você apareça nos resultados não quer dizer que seja culpado ou inocente, senão que existe um ou vários processos, onde você é mencionado como uma das partes.<br /> <br /> Importante DataJurídica Brasil o informa sobre as demandas, mandados de segurança, antecedentes e processos judiciais das pessoas Físicas e Jurídicas que se realizem em todos os estados da República Federativa do Brasil em todas as áreas do direito cruzando bancos de dados públicos e oficiais de diferentes Órgãos e Entidades do Estado fornecendo ao interessado a informação completa e consolidada. Os dados fornecidos neste site são informação pública de livre consulta e podem ser consultados também diretamente em cada um dos sites correspondente aos diferentes Órgãos e Entidades. Os resultados das buscas fornecidos pela DataJuridica.com são trazidos diretamente dos diferentes bancos de dados públicos, por isso continuarão aparecendo em nossos resultados até que a informação seja retirada do banco de dados público do Órgão ou Entidade correspondente. DataJurídica NÃO elabora bancos de dados nem configura listas, nem faz nenhum tipo de modificação ou comentários sobre a informação fornecida. DataJurídica é um buscador especializado em informação judicial que mostra idênticos a como são encontrados publicados pelos Órgãos e Entidades que possuem a informação. Nem todos os registros de processos informam sobre disposições de culpa ou inocência. Alguns processos estão em trâmite. As pessoas Físicas ou Jurídicas que aparecem nos resultados de DataJurídica.com fazem parte de um processo judicial seja como demandante ou demandado. . ver <br /> Marco Jurídico ver Termos de uso.<br /> <br /> O uso deste Site está sujeito a Termos de Uso. Copyright © 2013 DataJuridica.com.<br /> <br /> Todos os direitos reservados. | Planos Corporativos | Planos | Contate-nos<br /> <br /> DOZE ADVOGADOS SÃO SUSPENSOS PELA OAB-PE INFRAÇÕES VÃO DESDE A RETENÇÃO DE PROCESSOS, ALÉM DO PRAZO ESTABELECIDO PELA JUSTIÇA, À FALTA DE PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS A CLIENTES – QUEM DISSE QUE O EXAME DE ORDEM PROTEGE A SOCIEDADE?<br /> <br /> Publicado em 17/10/2011por Inacio Vacchiano<br /> <br /> Rate This<br /> <br /> Do JC Online<br /> <br /> #examedeordem INCONSTITUCIONAL<br /> <br /> A seccional pernambucana da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB-PE) suspendeu 12 advogados que atuam no Estado por terem cometido infrações ético-disciplinares. As punições, que variam de 30 a 180 dias de suspensão – prorrogáveis ou não -, foram publicadas na sexta-feira (23), no Diário Oficial do Estado. Todos os processos já transitaram em julgado e não cabe mais recurso.As infrações vão desde a retenção de processos, além do prazo estabelecido pela Justiça, à falta de prestação de contas a clientes. “A aplicação dessas medidas disciplinares é dura, mas necessária para a defesa dos bons profissionais”, destacou o presidente da entidade, Henrique Mariano. Tanto as infrações cometidas como as punições impostas estão previstas na Lei Federal nº 8.906/94 que dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Advocacia e da OAB.Essa é a segunda vez, em menos de uma semana, que a OAB-PE determina a suspensão de advogados. Na semana passada, uma advogada foi suspensa, através de uma medida cautelar, pelo prazo de 15 dias, por ter atuado na captação de clientes.<br /> <br /> "Veja a lista dos advogados:<br /> <br /> 1) Josiel Barros de Andrade<br /> <br /> 2) Clóvis Salgado do Espirito Santo<br /> <br /> 3) Maria da Puresa Rodrigues da Silva<br /> <br /> 4) Genilda Rocha Figueiredo<br /> <br /> 5) Sandra Maria Garrett Rios<br /> 6) Dayse Silvana de Andrade Muniz<br /> <br /> 7) Adelson Nascimento de Lucena<br /> <br /> 8) Antônio René de Araújo Machado Júnior<br /> <br /> 9) Dário Ferraz de Sá Júnior<br /> <br /> 10) Eloilson Pereira da Silva<br /> <br /> 11) Jorge Carlos Victor da Anunciação<br /> <br /> 12) Laís Portela Câmara<br /> <br /> Fonte: MNBD- PE<br /> <br /> OAB suspende 12 advogados por infrações ético-disciplinares<br /> <br /> Redação do DIARIODEPERNAMBUCO.COM.BR<br /> <br /> 26/09/2011 | 16h53 | Pernambuco<br /> atualizada às 18h25<br /> <br /> A Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - Seccional de Pernambuco (OAB-PE) determinou a suspensão de 12 advogados por prazos que variam de 30 a 180 dias por terem cometido infrações ético-disciplinares. A decisão foi publicada no Diário Oficial do Estado (DOE) da última sexta-feira (23). Esta é a segunda vez que a entidade determina a suspensão de advogados em um período de menos de 10 dias. Na semana passada, uma advogada foi suspensa, através de uma medida cautelar, pelo prazo de 15 dias por ter atuado na captação de clientes.<br /> <br /> Segundo as informações da OAB-PE, as punições publicadas no DOE foram motivadas por diferentes razões. Tanto as infrações cometidas como as punições impostas estão previstas na Lei Federal nº 8.906/94 que dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Advocacia e da OAB.<br /> <br /> Segundo o presidente da OAB-PE, Henrique Mariano, todos os processos já transitaram em julgado e não cabe mais recurso.<br /> <br /> Confira a lista de advogados suspensos pela OAB:<br /> <br /> Adelson Nascimento de Lucena<br /> <br /> Antônio René de Machado Dias Júnior<br /> <br /> Clóvis Salgado do Espírito Santo<br /> <br /> Dário Ferraz de Sá Júnior<br /> Dayse Silvana de Andrade Muniz<br /> <br /> Eloilson Pereira da Silva<br /> <br /> Genilda Rocha Figueiredo<br /> <br /> Jorge Carlos Victor da Anunciação<br /> <br /> Josiel Barros de Andrade<br /> <br /> Laís Portela Câmara<br /> <br /> Maria da Puresa Rodrigues da Silva<br /> <br /> Sandra Maria Garrett Rios<br /> PASTOR ADALBERON GARRETT - LADRAO - PSICOPATO - DOUENCA BIPOLAR - PRATICANTE DE MAGIA NEGRA EM SEGREDO. GOSTO MUINTO DA PRATICA MAGIA NEGRA EM SEGREDO. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Av Cons Aguiar, 497, Cep: 51011-031 Recife. Pernambuco. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE012636 - LADRAOS.Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - IPB - Projeto transformaçao 2007 - Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - Pastor auto-proclamado. Bandido. Ladrao. Projeto transformaçao 2014 Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - PASTOR AUTO-PROCLAMADO. MITOMANO. LADRAO. BANDIDO. ALCOOLATRO. TOXICOMANO. PSICOPATO.<br /> <br /> PASTOR ADALBERON GARRETT - PASTOR AUTO-PROCLAMADO, LADRAO. VIGARISTA. PSICOPATO. PRATICANTE DE MAGIA NEGRA SATANICA EM SEGREDO. PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO<br /> <br /> Finalidade divulgar os trabalhos realizados pela ONG Transformação<br /> <br /> Pastor Adalbéron Garrett Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Av Cons Aguiar, 497, Cep: 51011-031 Recife. PE. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE012636 - LADRAOS.<br /> <br /> Guru-manipulaçao. Negoçios sujas et perigosos. Multi-fraude fiscal. Furtos. Roubar mais que 40 anos do IPTU, impostos et taxas. Multi-operaçaos clandistinas. Lavagem da dinheiro sujo. Sempre em contacto con os grupos da exterminaçao. Bem-vindo a quadrilia-seita-familia do "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett et O Advogada Dr. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Tradiçaos criminais.